Executive Committee

This page contains minutes of Executive Committee meetings, Objectives of the Executive Committee, and Standing Orders of the Executive Committee.

Minutes – 2006–07

Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting held 27 July 2006 at 48 Bramcote Avenue, Beeston

Present: D. Levens, A. Wright, A. Walker, N. Graham, M. Hill, R. Richmond, I. Kingston

Apologies for absence: None

Insurance: R. Richmond reported that the ECF offered insurance for £75 + £15 + other items (i.e. under £100 in total). Some discussion ensued as to third party liability and how this would be covered either by owners of premises or NCA but without a final conclusion. It was stated that a recent inventory of the equipment had been carried out by M. Barnes and D. Sudar but clocks had been purchased since bringing the total to forty. It was considered that the Association's trophies required valuations in order that they would be fully covered. General agreement was reached to reinsure equipment and obtain valuations on the trophies for inclusion in the cover.

Membership: R. Richmond tabled details of the new NCA membership scheme incorporating ECF membership based upon replacing Game Fees currently payable under the existing arrangements. Currently, this is funded within the Association by League entry fees of £57 per team in Divs. 1–4 and £50 per team in Div. 5. It is anticipated that these details will be put to members of the Notts Association at a Special General Meeting in September. The ECF had a meeting arranged 5 August 2006 to consider the best scheme available.

Cost of the scheme to the NCA: it was considered that there was a need to ensure that the NCA was fully funded before any monies were passed to the ECF. Registration of members and provision of details to the ECF to be the responsibility of the Treasurer.

There was a need to ‘sell’ the scheme to NCA members. M. Hill opined that there was a necessity to produce a short one page ‘bullet point’ statement giving the financial and other advantages versus the current system otherwise the seven page document before the present meeting would deter acceptance. R. Richmond actioned to do.

League Management Committee: The League Divisional structure had been rearranged at the last meeting of the LMC but concern was raised that there were no clear guidelines in place for the LMC to work to in carrying out this process. I. Kingston was requested to raise a proposal to put to the Rules Revision Meeting where the subject could be discussed.

County Championship: Venue and dates were discussed with 21–22 October 2006 apparently being the only weekend date available for the competition. Several venues seemed suitable but Nottingham Trent University had offered to host a tournament and this avenue should be followed up as speedily as possible else otherwise other suitable venues would become unavailable. D. Levens and I. Kingston undertook to resolve this.

Nottingham Congress: The weekend of 21–22 April 2007 looked the most suitable and D. Levens was aiming to find a sponsor for the venue.

County Teams: The teams for the MCCU stages were to be raised though an U175 competition was likely to be run as a one day jamboree. Hopefully, more notice would be received from the MCCU Controller than in the past season.

Growth: It was put to the meeting that junior recruitment was the only way forward but that many clubs lacked suitable venues and resources to cater for juniors. As the cheaper venues tended to be pubs and working mens clubs, the costs/members ratio was a very serious issue when a club considers establishing a junior membership policy. From the NCA perspective, a review was required as to those activities necessary to attract newcomers such as coaching, etc. together with more publicity which would attract more players into the clubs.

Any other business: D. Levens presented a sample poster for discussion. Consequential discussions included the effect of publicity and what chess had to offer a sponsor. Sponsorship was to be explored but a register was necessary for each approach and potential approaches for future reference. This would be useful for those following up the initial contact. Further, a register or contact list of NCA members was required. Other approaches to advertise chess should investigated, e.g. ‘shirts’ type philosophy similar to football clubs.

Awards nights had been held in the past as a means of encouraging chess players to socialise more. D. Levens wanted to continue this practice and stated his intention to organise.

The possibility of establishing coaching sessions to benefit NCA members was mooted which raised the question of the reincarnation/reformation of Chess Force as a potential organising body.

Separately, it was pointed out that the NCA had a logo that should be included on publicity material but that this needed to be redefined and approved by the EC before being used.

A decision to change the bank account from the Nottingham Building Society to an acceptable alternative was approved by the meeting with signatories to be R. Richmond, A. Walker and A. Wright. The treasurer was instructed to approach N. Lazonby as to the possibility of he becoming auditor for the accounts.

The date of the next meeting was fixed as 15 September 2006, with the venue to be arranged. The intention was to continue meeting on a bimonthly basis with the next in November, 2006.

M. Hill

Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held at 2 Park Terrace on 15 September 2006

Present: David Levens (Chairman), Neil Graham, Maurice Hill, Ian Kingston, Robert Richmond, Andrew Walker and Tony Wright

1(a) The Minutes of the Meeting of 27 July were agreed

(b) Matters arising from these minutes:

(i) Robert had insured the NCA under the ECF Scheme.

(ii) Equipment check – this was to be done shortly.

(iii) The County Championship date had been fixed for 21–22 October, as this was the only available date at the venue. Further details would be given under Item 3.

(iv) In respect of the County Teams, Terry Norris-Hunt might be available to captain the Under 100 team but to date there was no captain for the Under 125 team and it was proposed by Tony right seconded by Ian that the U125 team be withdrawn unless a captain could be found.

(v) Robert reported about changing the bank and moving money to the Building Society at a more beneficial interest rate. The signatories for the various accounts also needed updating and this would be pursued.

2 NCA Membership Scheme

The details of this had been circulated by Robert in documentary form and were discussed at some length by the Executive Committee. In particular Robert was asked about the financial implications for the Association and he explained that clubs would be entitled to 6 registrations per league team which should cover all players in the League. Other questions were asked relating to Data Protection. Robert pointed out that there was to be an ECF Meeting on 16 September with the Annual General Meeting in October with could modify the conditions. The meeting decided that the paper would be presented to the Special General Meeting for consideration.

3 Progress of the County Championship

David and Ian stated that there were to be four sections each of which had been sponsored with a first prize of £40.00 in each section. The sponsorships were for three years. The venue cost was £370.00. Entry forms were available both on-line and were being circulated to clubs.


(a) Useful contact had been made with Nottm Trent University

(b) Lateefah Messam-Sparkes had featured in the Evening Post

(c) Andrew was asked to update data for the Web site

(d) Next meeting was fixed for 16 November at the same venue.

Neil Graham

Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held at 2 Park Terrace on 16 November 2006

Editor’s note: The Aims and Objectives and Standing Orders documents referred to below will be published shortly.

Present: D. Levens (DL), N. Graham (NG), M. Hill (MH), R. Richmond (RR), A. Walker (AW), Tony Wright (TW)

1 Apologies: Ian Kingston (IK)

2 Minutes of previous meeting: Agreed. It was noted the SGM rejected the membership proposals.

3 Matters Arising

Equipment check: to be done. TW & NG to fix date on either a suitable Tuesday or County Match Saturday, and to report on condition as well as numbers. Previous inventory with Mike Barnes/Drag Sudar. Equipment assets to be shown on the balance sheet.

U125: Now under way, with Lateefah Messam-Sparkes (14) as captain – with assistance from mum.

U175: TW has entered team for jamboree on 20 January. Likely entrants – Notts, Leics, Manchester and Northants.

4 County Championship

The EC noted the excellent entry (56) and very positive comments from competitors.

The event made a small deficit, comparable with previous years. RR to circulate a detailed account for the next meeting, or sooner if possible.

5 Treasurer’s Report

Congress and Rapidplay budgets, previously circulated, were approved

New Building Society account now opened with Alliance & Leicester, and an immediate transfer of £4,000 agreed.

Changing Bank account needed two more signatures.

RR outlined the tax position of NCA, and possibility of reclaiming tax on interest paid on the Nottingham BS account to the end of 2005/6. Prospects of recovering tax paid before 2003 (when NBS account opened) thought unpromising. RR to look through inherited papers to see there was anything useful, and to progress tax refund claim.

6 Aims and Objectives for 2006/7

A paper submitted by NG was approved with the following amendment/additions:

(4) Objective to revamp constitution amended to review constitution

Aim 7 added: To be pro-active in national and regional chess

Associated objective: To ensure representation at meetings and report back to EC

Each member of EC assigned lead responsibility for a particular aim:

  1. Encourage chess: DL
  2. Finance: RR
  3. Publicity: IK
  4. Constitution: AW
  5. Recognise volunteers and supporters: MH
  6. Seek sponsorship: NG

7 Executive Committee Standing Orders

A further paper from NG, to replace the previous Finance Committee S/O approved with the following amendments/additions

(1) Membership: delete League Secretary (leaving automatic membership as President, Secretary, Treasurer and LMC nominee). Co-options to be less than the ex-officio officers (i.e. maximum of 3, giving EC maximum size of 7)

(3a) EC will oversee (replacing ‘deal’) the day-to-day running of NCA

(3d) Add ‘The EC will consider the development and strategy of NCA’

Section 4 on Finance to be added, based on previous Finance Committee S/O. DL to circulated Finance Committee Rules. RR to draft suggested replacement, highlighting any changes. Section to be agreed by EC by e-mail before next meeting.


8.1 In response to an email received there was a lengthy discussion on the proper use of the bulletin and website.

8.2 Email from N. Wright: The EC noted the response to this email (about the difficulties of organising chess in secondary schools). Plans to re-create secondary schools association are well advanced.

8.3 2011: This will be the 75th anniversary of the Nottingham 1936 tournament (The strongest ever held in England?) and EC would like to celebrate this in appropriate ways. An interest in holding the 2011 British Championship in Nottingham to be registered with ECF. DL? to pursue with Martin Regan/Dave Welch

8.4 Congress 2008: RR floated the idea of using the Moat House, Nottingham – with the intended advantage of a deal on accommodation. Possible need to switch dates for Congress and Rapidplay. NG mentioned possible clash with an International event he was organising for February 2008. RR to investigate further.

8.5 Next meeting: To be in January 2007, date to be agreed. DL or AW to cordinate?

Robert Richmond

Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held at 2 Park Terrace on 18 January 2007

Present: D. Levens (DL; Chair), N. Graham (NG), M. Hill (MH), I. Kingston (IK), R. Richmond (RR), A. Walker (AW)

Apologies: A. Wright

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

NG amendment agreed.

2. Matters arising

Equipment check to be done

3. U175

Notts (and Northants) not given the required 21 Days notice by the MCCU of the venue, so the Jamboree had not taken place. Notts to refuse to pay 1/3rd share of costs. RR to check payment position.

[Note: £44 for game fee and venue costs and £20 entry fee included in payment to MCCU – RR]

4. Rules Revision

Exec discussed role vis à vis rules revision. Agreed the Exec was happy with the current arrangements. LMC to drive rule changes, restructure the league and hear appeals on disputes.

NG to do 1 page A4 on clarifying league rules (e.g. circumstances when clocks may be stopped)

5. Special events

After discussion it was decided to run:

Blitz – in May

Team Jamboree – in June. Teams of 4, 5 rounds, 15 minutes each on the clock. League trophies to be presented at this event, rather than the AGM.

6. Officer’s reports

AW – outlined some thoughts on the constitution and there followed a discussion of the membership issue. Further reflection at the next meeting.

DL – Secondary Schools Association ‘nearly formed’

IK asked about other publicity outlets in addition to the Nottingham Evening Post

RR raised some details about running the Rapidplay.

7. AOB

IK plans an ‘In the Archive’ for the website and NN, including County Champions, NCA Presidents, Club Histories etc. Some material deposited with Nottinghamshire Archives? Contact Peter Dodson?

8. Next Meeting

To be in March

Agenda to include streamlining the AGM

Robert Richmond

Minutes of the Executive Committee meeting held at 2 Park Terrace on 29 March 2007

Present: D. G. Levens (DL, chair), N. Graham (NG), I. Kingston (IK), R. J. Richmond (RR), A. N. Walker (AW, meeting secretary), A. J. Wright.

Apologies had been received from M. J. Hill.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved, subject to minor corrections (supplied by e-mail).

2. Matters arising

3. County Team Captains

The U125 Captain had resigned; the EC expressed its appreciation to her. There had been difficulties raising a team. If no-one within the U125 team was prepared to take on this job, then there would be no team in future. It was therefore important to contact potential officers early. It would be helpful if they could be given a list of known players and a job description similar to that produced some years earlier by Brian Hayward so that they had a clearer picture of what was involved.

4. Sponsorship

A document circulated by NG was discussed and approved. This called for the cultivation of contacts with those already committed to chess within the county, for a database of our members, and for categories of sponsorship, such as ‘Supporter of Notts Chess’. We need to be more aware of the possibilities, such as sponsorship of the 4NCL teams and use of the web site and the bulletin. RJR would circulate proposals for a voluntary membership scheme, and IK would progress other aspects of this.

5. Awards night

It was agreed that this should be separated from the AGM. DGL agreed to arrange this, and a Saturday in September was thought to be the right period of the season.

6. Officers’ Reports

7. The AGM

It was agreed that the AGM should be streamlined. Awards would be moved, as already agreed, to a separate evening. The meeting should consist of brief formal reports and elections. The roles of other general meetings, including the RRM, should be kept under review. To increase interest, the meetings should circulate around convenient venues; but it was thought preferable that in a given year the same club should host both the RRM and the AGM. West Notts CC was agreed as the venue for this year.

8. AOB

The next meeting was fixed for Thursday 10 May at 2 Park Terrace.


Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting held 10 May 2007 at 2 Park Terrace

Present: David Levens (President) Robert Richmond (Treasurer) Andrew Walker (Secretary) Neil Graham and Tony Wright

Apologies: Ian Kingston and Maurice Hill

1. Minutes of the last meeting

These were passed unopposed.

2. Matters arising

DL requested that a Trophies receipt book was acquired to help reduce the problem of unreturned and lost trophies. This was agreed, action DL

RR was to complete his review of the EC standing orders, partly taken from the previous Finance Committee Standing Orders. These would be presented to the AGM for approval.

3. Congress

RR reported that he was now an official ECF grader and was therefore grading both the Nottingham Congress and Rapidplay tournaments (previously done by the late John Robinson).

RR was to look at the cost of alternative venues over the summer. The current use of Bramcote School had its problems, mainly public transport access, no local catering facilities or bars (within a short walk) and is poorly serviced for accommodation. It was felt that investment in a city centre venue may attract more players, therefore balancing the extra costs. Action RR

This year’s Congress would make a small loss of approximately £100.

It was noted that Derek Cronshaw would like to see a under 100 section.

Various comments and suggestions from Drag Sudar were discussed.

DL suggested that there sould be a subcommittee to run events. TW stated that this was possible within the director’s current authorities.

NG raised the issue of ECF championship places via the MCCU. Action RR and TW would raise this at the next MCCU meeting in June.

4. Blitz

DL stated that he had made provisional arrangements for the Blitz tournament to take place at West Notts CC on 4 June if there was to be no Rules Revision Meeting. As there were no proposals tabled this was agreed to go ahead. Action DL

5. Jamboree

Raised by DL as a possible regular fixture in the NCA calendar. NG noted that an event currently takes place (close season) between Bunkers, Gambit and Ashfield. NG would enquire if it would be possible to extend it this year or look to a larger event next season.

6. Annual Chess Day

DL the insertion of a annual chess day as a publicity event for the NCA. This could involve games and demos at the Boardmarsh Centre or in the Market Square. There was general support for this idea and (action) DL was to invest further time in drawing up plans and a schedule.

7. Building

DL raised the topic of the NCA buying a property. This had been discussed previously outside of meetings. This would be a long term venture and involve raising large sums of money. DL stated if we don’t start it will never happen. TW noted that this had been raised before in the late 1980s but had not got off the ground. DL would bring this to the AGM to gauge reaction.

8. AOB

DL brought forward the idea of ‘a Supporters of Nottingham Chess’ scheme. This would allow all those interested in Notts chess to register their names and any other information they wished in a voluntary way. This list could be used as a contact sheet for various purposes ie, to keep people informed of events or for county captains to access details of potential players.

MCCU. It was noted that the MCCU AGM would be on 24 June 2007 in Birmingham. Recent meetings had not been attended by a Notts representative. TW and RR would attend.

Finance. RR expected the accounts to show a healthy surplus and would not be recommending an increase in fees next season. The audit of equipment had still to be done. TW and NG would attempt to do this before the AGM.

Best game prize DL would take entries for the best game prize, this would be in the newsletter asap.

The next meeting would be 29/06/2007 at the usual meeting place.

The meeting was closed at 10.05pm.

Objectives 2006–07

  1. to encourage the study and practice of chess in the County
    • Encouragement of new clubs/teams
    • Junior chess support
  2. to re-organise the finances of the Association on a more practical basis
    • Bank mandates
    • Moving funds to Building Society
  3. to increase publicity of the Association's work
    • Increase circulation of on-line bulletin
    • Newspaper/press releases etc.
  4. to review the Rules/Constitution of the NCA
    • Standing orders of the Executive Committee
    • Review of constitution
  5. to recognise the importance of volunteers and supporters of the NCA
    • Reward clubs who provide officers
    • Vice-Presidential awards
    • County caps
  6. to seek sponsorship of NCA teams/events
    • Find sponsors for NCA events
    • Service/publicity of sponsors
  7. To be pro-active in national and regional chess
    • To ensure representation at meetings and report back to EC

Standing Orders of Procedure for the NCA Executive Committee

  1. Membership

    Membership of the NCA Executive shall comprise

    1. The President who shall act as Chairman
    2. The Secretary
    3. The Treasurer
    4. A representative of the League Management Committee
    5. Such other members who are co-opted

    The number of co-opted members must be less than the ex-officio members

  2. Procedure
    1. A majority of members will comprise a quorum
    2. Voting will be by show of hands
    3. In the case of a tied vote, the Chairman shall have a casting vote
    4. Meetings will take place at least once every three months
    5. Minutes will be kept of all meetings
  3. Purpose
    1. the Executive Committee will oversee the day-to-day running of the NCA and is empowered to make any decisions unless precluded under Item 9 of the NCA Constitution
    2. the Executive Committee has the power to appoint officers where vacancies exist until any future General Meeting of the NCA
    3. the Executive Committee will endeavour to promote chess within Nottinghamshire under the terms of Item 2 of the Constitution
    4. The Executive Committee will consider the development and strategy of the NCA
  4. Finance

    The Executive Committee shall:

    1. Oversee the finances of the association, taking whatever steps it considers appropriate to ensure the proper financial management of the Association
    2. Approve the budget and fees to be recommended at the AGM
    3. Pre-approve expenditure above £100
    4. Deliver a final decision on a disputed expenses claim
    5. Approve the authorised signatories and banking arrangements

    The Treasurer shall:

    1. Prepare a budget for the coming year
    2. Keep proper books and records
    3. Collect promptly league and other fees from clubs
    4. Pay promptly all bills and ensure compliance with the rules for officers of the association
    5. Present externally audited accounts to the AGM

    Officers of the Association shall:

    1. Fully account for any expenses incurred and income received. Expenditure claims shall be submitted before the end of the financial year and should be fully supported by invoices and receipts.

      Claims can be denied if not fully supported unless satisfactory reasons are provided. If expenses are subtracted from any receipt, the receipt may be considered ‘not fully paid’.