Inter-County Championship 2009–10

Results and reports from the county’s matches will appear here throughout the season. This year all four teams reached the national quarter finals, with the U180 and U140 team progressing to the Semi Finals held on June 19th.

Update 21 June 2010: Both the U140 & U180 teams progressed to the Final to be held on July 10th

Update: Sadly neither team managed to win their final matches.

Previous years

Under 180

Warwickshire U180 – Nottinghamshire U180

Report by WP:

Apologies this has taken a while to write.

National Finals: Nottinghamshire lost a close battle 9-7. It's all a bit of a hazy memory now. Things got off to a worrying start when we won the toss and i was a piece up within 10 moves. Usually I'm a piece down inside 10 moves and the team feels more at home with the early set back, lull your opponents into a false sense of security. Kev also won in record time, and so we went to the pub...hence the hazy memory I suspect!

Richard was in a near identical game to myself, however when we both noticed his remark was 'Yes...but you're on the right side of it!' Richard brilliantly fought back in his game and towards the end, although drawn with good play, it was his opponent who had to be wary.

I remember Brian T had a strange game in the Dragon, giving up a pawn, but getting some good counterplay. Eventually the game ended in a draw.

To be honest I really don't know much else (Sorry) Try the Warwickshire page!! Our Congratulations to their team.

I would like to add Kev's and my immense gratitude to everyone who played, drove, helped out this season. Our thanks also to David for taking on the mantle of captain! Hurrah! :-) I'm sure under his captaincy the team can go one step further and be crowned champions of the world, or at the very least the UK!

Warwickshire U180 - Nottinghamshire U180
10 July 2010
Moat College, Leicester
Board Grade Grade
1 Martin Smyth 174 0-1 John Swain 178
2 Alan Llyod 173 1-0 David Levens 176
3 Dave Ireland 178 ½–½ Pete Mercs 174
4 Richard Smith 177 ½–½ John Harrison 174
5 Joey Stewart 168 1-0 Geoff Gibson 173
6 Alan Agnew 170 ½–½ Richard Truman 173
7 Rob Wallman 172 1-0 Alexander Combie 171
8 Richard C Reynolds 171 0-1 Kevin Harvey 170
9 Rob Hearne 173 ½–½ Ian Kingston 169
10 Mike Doran 167 ½–½ Brian Thompson 164
11 Simon Williams 166 ½–½ Tim Lane 163
12 Simon Smith 160 1-0 Steve Burke 163
13 Amrik Singh 159 0-1 Will Place 161
14 Anthony Green 160 ½–½ Jonathan Day 161
15 Gary Hope 161 ½–½ Brain Thompson 160
16 Ed Goodwin 156 1-0
Robert Taylor 157

Essex U180 – Nottinghamshire U180

National Semi Finals:Nottinghamshire progressed winning 8-8 (on board count) against Essex to reach the national finals!!

Report by WP:

The team was largely unchanged from that of the team who won in the quarter finals. The very able Mr Abel Yap (copyright D.Sudar) and Bob Taylor were in for Kevin and Dave.

Kevin’s absence was of supreme concern. There would be no one to experiment with the truly unheralded b5 when faced with the English; and of greater worry still was the lack of media coverage the biscuits would receive. Nottinghamshire’s loss, however was to be Scotland’s gain. The good doctor was delivering a speech at the Universityof Edinburgh on the subject of ‘Biscuit writing – it’s a crumby business’ and learning of the latest Scottish trend in deep-fried Jaffa cakes.

If you choose to read on (!) you will see, dear readers, that I have tried to give this subject matter of the aforementioned edible morsels some few words. However the gravitas and je nais se quoi you will have come to expect from this article is sorely lacking. However fear not, the illustrious Mr Harvey will be back in action for the closing chapters of ‘Let’s all go cracker’s for biscuits!’

The evening before had been England’s second round World Cup match against the giants Algeria. Somehow England had managed to pull off an unlikely draw and the mood in the camp the next day was very positive!

I sat down and instantly discovered that my inevitable hangover had chosen a convenient time to appear (Richard and I had made a good dent on a 20 litre barrel of German beer during the England match).

Nottingham suffered early deficits when your author, who fell for a cheap fork, and Geoff lost. The two Brian’s and Steve drew, whilst Ian suffered an uncharacteristic loss. Nott’s were trailing by three boards!

Our boys suddenly remembered their Rich Tea biscuits and slowly the balance returned. Alex and John Harrison were in devastating form and David, who had the strangest of strange Max-Lange Attack’s, outfoxed his opponent to draw the scores level.

Abel played a beautiful middlegame, leaving a K + 3P vs K +3P but with the far superior king position and his opponent soon gave up. This win put Notts into the lead, but Essex got one back straight away, Tim Lane the victim, his opponent having a dangerous passed pawn, after both sides had castled on opposite flanks.

It was now clear this was going to go all the way…

Jonathan had clung on in his game but sadly it wasn’t quite enough and he too succumbed. It was around this time that Bob went a pawn down but was playing superbly and always looked like he would draw his game. Richard, who was having the better of the game against his opponent’s KID secured a vital win for Nottingham. Last night’s partying had clearly not had quite as large an effect :P

Pete Mercs also sadly lost. Pete half fought back in his game with great verve, but sadly it wasn’t quite enough, an admiral performance none the less! Bob Taylor dutifully drew to leave it 8-7 in Essex’s favour. However John Swain, on board 1, had played magnificently (especially in the closing stages) and secured the necessary win. Well played John!

So 8-8 and board count. Never a nice way to decide, a bit like penalties in a world cup. Thankfully where England have Lampard, Gerrard and co we had the two John’s, David, Richard, Abel and Alex!

And so to the final, no Abel sadly (Malaysian airlines was stretching the NCA budget) but Kevin will doubtless return. Well played everyone, and thanks to all those who drove and helped me set-up the room.

Hobnob anybody?

Essex U180 - Nottinghamshire U180
19 June 2010
St Neots Methodist Hall, St Neots
Board Grade Grade
1 John Swain 178 1-0 Larry Marden 178
2 David Levens 176 1-0 John Moore 173
3 Pete Mercs 174 0-1 John White 179
4 John Harrison 174 1-0 Kanwal Bhatia 173
5 Geoff Gibson 173 0-1 Terry Whitton 173
6 Richard Truman 173 1-0 Jim Howson 173
7 Abel Yap e172 1-0 Chris Hapton 173
8 Alexander Combie 171 1-0 Ian Hunnable 167
9 Ian Kingston 169 0-1 Martin, McCall 167
10 Brian Thompson 164 ½–½ David Millward 172
11 Tim Lane 163 0-1 Colin Ramage 167
12 Steve Burke 163 ½–½ Ray Purse 165
13 William Place 161 0-1 Syd Kalinsky 162
14 Jonathan Day 161 0-1 Neville Twitchell 167
15 Brian Hayward 160 ½–½ Tom Winter 162
16 Bob Taylor 157 ½–½ Howard Grist 160

Bedfordshire U180 – Nottinghamshire U180

National Quarter Finals:

Report by KH:

O the sun! The swingeing sun! It was too hot for chess. Other than lying on a lawn, in a cool green shade, expending no more effort than the act of lifting up a Pimms and Lemonade to one’s lips, it was too hot for anything. Absolutely, emphatically, unequivocally anything. Even breathing was taxing. Yet given the import, the world-altering significance of the event, there was no question of calling off the Bedfordshire versus Nottinghamshire chess match (even if it was taking place in Milton Keynes). Besides, Will had gone to considerable – nay, supererogatory - effort to assemble a team of the first water, as well as arranging the finer, practical aspects of the match with the Bedfordshire captain. Bless the Place. O bless him.

I travelled down with Brian, Alex and Jonathan. I hadn’t played chess for a while and the prospect of unforgivably intense indoor cognitive labour on such a halcyon one-must-be-insane-not-to-be-anywhere-but-outdoors day was not appealing. Soon, however, the animated talk in the car (touching, principally, on chess and football) titivated me, reinvigorated me, restored my zest for cerebral wood-pushing about64 squares, and I was aching, then and there, still with both hands on the wheel, to try out a savage riposte to the English that Brian had floated past us during our discussion on openings. To c5, one replies with b5. Yes you heard me right: b5 meets c4. Again: b5 meets c4.

All along the M1 I couldn’t get that vicious retort out of my head. I kept inwardly playing the gambit over and over. And over.So obsessed with it did I become that the sally broke the bounds of purely interior consideration and became externally apparent, taking on a concrete, physical actuality,manifesting itself in the landscape that was sliding past: I could see the move - that outrageous fulcrum – levering against bridges, service stations and advertising hoardings, all of which became, in my fervid, demented imagination, structural metaphors for the English pawn on c4.

Sadly, though, when we arrived, I discovered that I was to have the white pieces and, so in the actuality, never had the chance to play b5, having to make do with the comparatively tame King’s Gambit, an opening which I played listlessly, blandly, horribly, unlawfully,soon finding myself in a crashingly amorphous position (despite my acquiring the f file, a strategic hoard which I consider in itself to nothing less than a victorious achievement: even if I lose thegame itself, the aesthetic appeal of colonising this vital thoroughfare still massively outweighs the comparatively mild disappointment ofactual defeat.)

Bored with my own, I looked at the other games around me. Ian Kingston, immediately on my left, had a killing, to-die-for, 100 grand a yearposition. He was black (not sure what opening he played) and within the space of what seemed like no fewer than 20 minutes had already ripped his opponent’s king’s defences apart, fatally, yet irresistably,exposing the monarch through the resultant carious pawn carapace. The next I time I looked some ten or so moves later, Ian virtually had half his pieces left and his opponent was stripped down to the state of solus rex, and yet insisted on pointlessly shoving the lone monarch about the board (no doubt hoping Ian might blunder into stalemate, which he didn’t). A convincing, brutal, fanatically carnivorous game.

Fellow West Nottingham club member David Levens was also on fine form. I didn’t see much of his game but, from I what I recall, it was over pretty soon and David seemed to be in control throughout.

And then, next door, was our very own John Harrison. I’m not quite sure what opening he played (nor, I think, was John sure when I spoke to him afterwards) buthis king was on f2 in the early stages of the game. It looked to me like a deliberate, purposeful stratagem andlooked perfectlysublime - thesurrounding, symmetricalcoveringof pawns capping off the design to an almost unbearable level of exquisiteness. Docketing that abstruse (yet adorable)position for later appraisal, I moved on to John Swain’s game, which seemed solid enough (I recall one of John’s knights posted wonderfully, royally and seemingly untouchable in the centre of the board). When I next checked out the position, John was a piece down but his opponent had no shelter for his king, although it seemed difficult for John to get at the monarch. The game ended up in a draw.

So affronted was I with my own inutile performance and position that I preferred to carry on inspecting other people’s games. Whenever I went back to my bloodless King’s Gambit, I repeatedly offered my opponent a draw (along with £1005 and a first edition signed copy of Rudolff Spielmann’s Complete Games and several yet unstale Rich Tea biscuits). After consulting his captain severally, he eventually accepted. Relieved, I went outside into the ridiculous sun, started to read a collection of short stories I’d bought with me, fell asleep on the grass, and woke up with a glow-stinging face which I could already sense was beginning to peel and fall apart (like my chess). Back inside the chess arena, the fluorescent strip lighting felt comparatively kind, almost feckless, and when I looked at the games in its feeble glow, the pieces took on a weirdhue, making it difficult to distinguish which colour was which.

Fortunately, I recalled that John was white. His game had moved on significantly. Significantly. For a while it appeared that, given the recondite position that graced the board before me, both players had forgotten how the pieces moved (or wereartfully flouting the rules of chess) and were instead acting, living out some surreal conceptual art tableaux inspired by Marcel Duchamp. But then John produced a series of inspired and alembic and beautifulmoves that left him with the better position.

Alex Combie was doing well. A pawn up, with the safer monarch, he had the advantage. And yet, and yet, the position was tricky. Alex could force perpetual check, but the promise of so much more looked, at least for me, tempting indeed. Alex, however, sensibly took the draw. The half point being a much welcome addition tothe Nottinghamshirehoard.

I'm not quite sure what was happening in Brian's game. I'd seen it briefly through various earlierstages. I recall seeing a wedge of white pawns (Brian's) in the middle of the board. They looked spikey, chevron-like, menacing, but wereunder threat and undermined by his opponent's surrounding forces (in a curious and uncanny riot squad type formation). After the game Brian told me his opponent had rejected a draw. Just as well. Brian won.

At this stage of the match, everyone else had finished their games. Both the entire Nottinghamshire and Bedfordshire teams (and most of the other folks in the arena) were now crowdingaround and pressing intothe board, no doubt inwardly, silently yet violentlykibitzing, hectoring and directing. The pressure on both players was surely insufferably immense. I couldn’t take it. I had to keep stealing away to the biscuits, consoling myself with yetRich Tea after Rich Tea. A litany of Rich Teas.John, however, remained magnificently cool and irenic, extracting with aplomb a draw from an immeasurably tricky position. I suspect thatJohn had a technically won position, but with so little time to calculate his remaining moves, converting the game into a win was impossible.

No matter, though. No matter.A draw was all we needed to win the match 8.5 – 7.5. Although it was aclose thing, we fully deserved the result. It was a gorgeous, loving team effort which made Milton Keynes come alive and worth visiting (if only for the afternoon).

So next up in the World Championship the good ship Notts have drawn Essex. Maybe, if I’m selected, I’ll have chance to venture b5. In the meantime, folks, when confronted with the English, why not give the vicious fulcrum a whirl. And let me know how it goes.

Bedfordshire U180 - Nottinghamshire U180
22 May 2010
Open University, Milton Keynes
Board Grade Grade
1 Alan Brown 178 ½–½ John Swain 178
2 Graham Borrowdale 178 0-1 David Levens 176
3 Brian Valentine 175 ½–½ Pete Mercs 174
4 Adrian Elwin 172 ½–½ John Harrison 174
5 Vaughan Griffiths e171 1-0 Geoff Gibson 173
6 Branko Pribanich 166 1-0 Richard Truman 173
7 Adrian Matthews 166 ½–½ Alexander Combie 171
8 Ravi Arulnandy e165 ½–½ Kevin Harvey 170
9 Peter Hunt 160 0-1 Ian Kingston 169
10 Michael Joseph 160 0-1 Brian Thomson 164
11 John Shaw 160 ½–½ Tim Lane 163
12 Mark McCready e158 0-1 Steve Burke 163
13 Peter Taylor 157 1-0 William Place 161
14 Benjamin Grainger e153 ½–½ Jonathan Day 161
15 Marek Gladysl 150 0-1 Brian Hayward 160
16 Collin Solloway 118 1-0 Dave Flynn 160

Warwickshire U180 – Nottinghamshire U180

W Place & K Harvey

Kev has written a delightful account of the events. A Juxtoposition between Genghis Khan like debauchery and Mr Kipling like baked goods. Enjoy!

"We went to Birmingham. It was raining hard and it was cold, b&stard-cold.Not even the hot hissing urn which presided over the fetching array of biscuits provided any warming consolation. My feet were macerated and, despite munching my way through endless, neverendingcustard creams, they remained damply gelid throughout the duration of the chessfest.

We lost the chess, but did tremendously well on the biscuit front. You should’ve seen the way we tucked in, devouring more than our share of ginger nuts and other planetary pabulum. The urn leaked somehow and somewhat, and often hissed at the most inopportune moments, but that didn’t stop our gustatory brio, didn’t put us off the biscuits. An emphatic win.

And then there was the chess. Memory fades. Memory fades. And so my observations are tenuous at best,worthless (or worst) at worst. I recall the Place of William conducting one of his signature suicidal assaults with the white pieces. So aggressive was his onslaught, so temerarious his strategy, that his opponent at one point actually called the police (don't really: irony, dear reader, irony). I remember Will sacrificing a bishop, and then something else, and then something else, and then something else, until he was left with nothing but his king which he used as the central, and sole, source of his onslaught. Sadly he resigned before being able to deliver the final death blow. I was just glad to have witnessed it. You should have been there, dear reader, you should have been there.

Afterwards, I returned to the biscuits, securing solace in a second wave of custard creams. My game seemed to be going okay. Like the writing of my prose and everything else in I do inmy entire life, I took a lazy approach, not doing much but somehow, by dint of pure alembicgood fortune, or the benison of some kindly god or gods, found my Latvian defence taking off and morphing, by accident, into athumping position. I have no idea what I did wrong. I managed to win. In future I aim to adopt ever further arcane and risky gambit openings. Next time round, as black,I’m thinking of adopting the Fred Defence (1. e4 f5). Dig it, man.

I caught some of Mark Radford’s game. French defence. Mark was playing skilfully and had amassed a lovely position -the type of position thatwould grace anydisplay boards - but his opponent played with acute aplomb, and, after much intricate manoeuvring, the likes of which only a Karpov or a Smyslov could fully appreciate, a draw was agreed.

Sadly, despite the zinglingly tremendous efforts from all Notts men, the Notty team lost out – a close thing, a marvellous struggle, the likes of whichwill, most likely,neverbewitnessed again in the entire, absolutehistory of countychess."

Warwickshire U180 - Nottinghamshire U180
21 November 2009
Quinton, Birmingham
Board Grade Grade
1 Alan Llyod 173 1-0 John Harrison 174
2 Nick Roberts 173 1-0 Pete Mercs 174
3 Rob Wallman 172 0-1 Abel Yap 172
4 Richard C Reynolds 171 0-1 Kev Harvey 170
5 Alan Agnew 170 1-0 Brian Thompson 164
6 Tom Robinson 168 ½–½ Tim Lane 163
7 Adam Draper 167 1-0 Will Place 161
8 Simon Williams 166 ½–½ Brian Hayward 160
9 Simon Smith 160 0-1 Dave Flynn 160
10 Trevor Holt 161 1-0 Stephen Foster 156
11 Gary Hope 161 ½–½ Graeme Jennings 153
12 Anthony Green 160 1-0 Drag Sudar 151
13 Robert Reynolds 159 ½–½ Steve Hunter 150
14 Phil Bull 150 ½–½ Mark Radford 145
15 John Fahy 147 0-1
Keith Brameld 143
16 Adam Parkinson 137 1-0
default -

Under 160

Suffolk U160 – Nottinghamshire U160

National Quarter Finals: Nottinghamshire suffered a narrow loss at the hands of Suffolk.

Suffolk U160 - Nottinghamshire U160
22 May 2010
Board Grade Grade
1 Simons, Conrad 155 1–0 Taylor, Robert P 157
2 Hill, Luke 154 1–0 Foster, Stephen J 156
3 Taylor, Scott 156 1–0 Williamson, Eric 156
4 Thomas, Harold 156 1–0 Wagenbach, Janos 152
5 Lamont, Richard 155 1–0 Sudar, Drag 151
6 Tate, Stuart 157 ½–½ Taylor. Marcel 150
7 Brown, David 149 ½–½ Walters, Keith 148
8 York Anderson, Anna 149 0–1 Broughton, Daniel 146
9 Hadrych, Craig 152 ½–½ Morgan, Philip 145
10 Pearce, Dave 150 0–1 Radford, Mark 145
11 Fogg, Martin 143 1–0 Cranmer, Stanley 144
12 Stephens, Robert 146 0-1 Ince, Darren 144
13 Roberts, Colin 140 0-1 Moon, Nick 144
14 Jones, Robert 139 ½–½ Brameld, Keith 143
15 Kirkham, Ed 138 ½–½ Ali, Hamzah 140
16 Tulic, Jakob 138 ½–½ Murfet, George 140

Shropshire U160 – Nottinghamshire U160

J Keith Walters

A 9-7 victory puts Nottinghamshire top of the table, ahead of Leics on game score:

Cross Table
P W D L GD Pts
Notts 3 2 1 0 +8 5
Leics 3 2 1 0 +5 5
Shrops 3 1 1 1 +3 3
Manchr 3 0 2 1 -3 2
Staffs 2 0 1 1 -2 1
Warks 2 0 0 2 -11 0

Notts have yet to play Staffs and Gtr Manchester, while Leics have to play Shrops and Warks. If results go with current form the final positions will depend on game score difference.

Shropshire U160 - Nottinghamshire U160
30 January 2010
Board Grade Grade
1 Wilson, Iain R 156 0–1 Taylor, Robert P 157
2 Link, Gerald C 156 0–1 Foster, Stephen J 156
3 Edwards, Gareth 156 0–1 Myers, Richard 153
4 Tunks, Andrew 152 0–1 Wagenbach, Janos 152
5 Randle, Glyn 149 ½–½ Taylor, Marcel 150
6 Westhead, John A 147 0–1 Roper, Keith W 148
7 Crean, Peter 142 0–1 Walters, Keith J 148
8 White, Gary M 141 1–0 Morgan, Philip D 145
9 Shepherd, Graham C 139 0–1 Radford, Mark S R 145
10 Thompson, Richard G 138 1–0 Cranmer, Stanley E E 144
11 Tunks, John A 138 0–1 Bramled, Keith D 143
12 Paul, Nathaneal 131 1–0 Murfet, George J 140
13 Tennant, Stefan H 136 1–0 Ali, Hamzah 140
14 Peck, Windsor W A 134 1–0 Thomson, James L 139
15 Whittaker, John 133 ½–½ Willoughby, Robert 138
16 Gillespie, Richard 129 1–0 Garside, Andrew. 133

Nottinghamshire U160 – Warwickshire U160

J Keith Walters

After the match got going each team found themselves one player short. Telephone calls failed to make contact so each team defaulted a board. My game was a long one - 82 moves - so I didn't get to see much of the other games. Nevertheless a number of draws came through quite quickly and then the wins came rolling in. A great result 11-5 which takes us to the top of the group on board count:

Cross Table
P W D L F A Pts
Notts 2 1 1 0 19 13 3
Shrops 2 1 1 0 18½ 13½ 3
Leics 2 1 1 0 17 15 3
Manchr 2 0 2 0 16 16 2
Staffs 2 0 1 1 15 17 1
Warks 2 0 0 2 10½ 21½ 0

Nottinghamshire U160 – Warwickshire U160
5 December 2009
Board Grade Grade
1 Taylor, Robert P 157 ½–½ Reynolds, Robert 159
2 Foster, Stephen J 156 ½–½ Smith, Chris 159
3 Williamson, Eric 156 0–1 Clarke, Neil 158
4 Taylor, Oliver 154 0–1 Lee, Darren 155
5 Myers, Richard 153 1-0 Ralph, Sean 155
6 Wagenbach, Janos 152 1–0 Bull, Phil 150
7 Edwards, H Richard 151 ½–½ Sadler, Anthony 150
8 Walters, J Keith 148 1–0 Tallis, Mark 150
9 Tassi, John P 146 ½–½ Maher, Mike 149
10 Morgan, D Philip 145 1–0 Fahy, John 147
11 Collins, John G 144 1–0 Rawson, Louis 147
12 Cranmer, Stanley E E 144 ½–½ Asbury, John 143
13 Ince, Darren 144 1–0 Dickson, Fred (default) 141
14 Brameld, Keith D 143 1–0 Cottom, Andy 141
15 Murfet, George J 140 1–0 Burnet, Alan 140
16 Ali, Hamzah 140 ½–½ Wilson, Alexander 137

Leicestershire U160 – Nottinghamshire U160

J Keith Walters

Notts got off to a good start and were leading 5½–2½ at the halfway stage. Then Leics began to pull back on the higher boards and Notts were leading 7½–6½ with 2 boards to go. John Tassi held on to gain a draw but on Board 2 we had been the exchange down for some time and the Leics player made it tell in the end. So a tight match ended in an 8–8 draw.

Leicestershire U160 – Nottinghamshire U160
7 November 2009
Board Grade Grade
1 Farrall, Dave 159 1–0 Taylor, Robert P 157
2 Ganger, Rajan 159 1–0 Foster, Stephen J 156
3 Adcock, Greg 156 1–0 Williamson, Eric 156
4 Deacon, Paul 154 ½–½ Taylor, Oliver 154
5 Potter, Karl 154 1-0 Lin, Daniel 151
6 Turvey, Steve 150 0–1 Sudar, Dragoljub 151
7 Cowley, Mike 148 0–1 Edwards, H Richard 151
8 Glover, John 144 1–0 Roper, Keith W 148
9 Collins, Bob 143 0–1 Walters, J Keith 148
10 Watkinson, Phil 143 ½–½ Tassi, John P 146
11 Dove, Tom 141 0–1 Morgan, D Philip 145
12 Harrison, Peter 140 0–1 Collins, John G 144
13 Hickman, Peter 137 1–0 Cranmer, Stanley E E 144
14 Robinson, Tony 137 0–1 Brameld, Keith D 143
15 Thomas, Barney 137 1–0 Murfet, George J 140
16 Farquharson, Ian 135 0–1 Ali, Hamzah 140

Under 140

Nottinghamshire U140 – Hampshire U140

There were three changes from the semi-final team – Ross Mackay, Alan Kenyon and Graham Neil were unavailable and so Barry Redburn, Ashton Alfred and Allan Brown were welcomed back to the team.

Unfortunately the result an 8-8 draw where we were for a second time substantially worse-off on Board Count meant we conceded the title to the West of England representatives – we outgraded them and so well done to them. The match might well be accounted “quick on the draw” or “back to the drawing board” as eight of the first eleven boards declared were halved. We might look back now and wonder whether we might have accrued some further half points from these games.

Hampshire struck the first two blows with Mike Nailard conceding to a strong king side offensive and then Michael Zhang making a match losing error that lost a rook. We made some progress when Greg Paxton scored our first win despite making an illegal move which fortunately only occurred a time penalty. So with 11 played the score was 6-5 to Hants. James Thomson by this time was the exchange and pawn down and soon had to concede so we were back to being two down (7-5) with only four boards left. The key game to hold was Barry Redburn's but he had an extremely difficult king and pawn ending. I can't say whether the position was tenable but his opponent found a line that won and the score moved to 8-5 and Hampshire had won on board count even when Notts won the last three games to finish.

Peter Gorecka-Marshall was clearly better after winning a pawn in the middlegame and ended up N+2 v B. Peter carefully avoided several stalemate traps that had been set and eventually the game was won. Meanwhile Graham Gibson who had been defending and penned in for ages broke out at the time control and won a piece. Finally Alan Robinson who had been pressing his opponent did exactly the opposite and lost a piece. However with his usual ingenuity he won the piece back and his opponent lost on time in a hopeless position.

The season's success had been fashioned round our young players who had before this match always scored above 50% plus the fine form of Alan Robinson & Norman Davies with the remaining team members weighing in to make up the total. Unfortunately in the Final for the first time we didn't get a win out of our juniors and Alan and Norman only finished with 1½/2!

Having said this – we won the Midlands zone being Champions and went through the National stages unbeaten. It was truly an excellent season and I thank everyone for their support. Some players will be off to the Under 160 team but I hope that next season the majority of this year's squad plus some newcomers will be able to mount a challenge for honours again! Thanks all!

Nottinghamshire U140 - Hampshire U140
10 July 2010
Moat College Leicester
Board Grade Grade
1 Thomson, James 139 0-1 Watts, John 139
2 Willoughby, Robert 138 ½–½ Chapman, Matthew 138
3 Davies, Norman 134 ½–½ Kocan, Barry 137
4 Redburn, Barry 136 0-1 Azman, Norhidayah 135
5 Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 137 1-0 LeFevre, Stephen 134
6 Graham, Neil 135 ½–½ Cleave, Bob 134
7 Zhang, Michael 134 0-1 Payne, Louis 133
8 Paxton, Greg 135 1-0 Culliford, David 133
9 Garnett, Robert 135 ½–½ Smith, Ewart 132
10 Nailard, Mike 133 0-1 Slater, Tom 130
11 Garside, Andrew 133 ½–½ Gething, Philip 128
12 Robinson, Alan 131 1-0 Young, Jonathan 126
13 Alfred, Ashton 130 ½–½ Diaper, Barry 124
14 Gibson, Graham 132 1-0 Smith, Rick 123
15 Brown, Allan 131 ½–½ Barnett, James 122
16 Maini, Arun 127 ½–½ Beaney, Alex 115

Nottinghamshire U140 – Yorkshire U140

National Semi Finals: Nottinghamshire progressed 9-6 against Yorkshire to reach the national finals!!

(On the day the score was 8 - 8 with Yorkshire having the favourable board count. However Yorkshire had fielded a player, on board 3, who they hadn't registered, and as such were correctly penalised)

Report by: Neil Graham

Notts drew their Under 140 match against Yorkshire at Selston losing heavily on board count but as a result of a successful appeal have been awarded the match by 9 boards to 6.

Yorkshire had already conceded a board prior to the match and so we started with an early advantage. Quite how a county with three cities larger than Nottingham (Leeds, Sheffield and Bradford) plus Hull, Doncaster, York, Huddersfield, Halifax etc couldn't find a 16th player is beyond me but at least it gave us an early lead. I had arranged a full Nottinghamshire side so rather than have to drop someone, I took the default point myself.

Norman Davies had scored 5/5 before this match but his board three opponent quickly established a match winning advantage and Yorkshire soon equalised the match score; I'll return to this game later. The lower boards looked good for Notts but after two hours play, apart from the above result, only one draw on Board 8 had been added to the score.

Our junior players arrived rather late and this seemed to unsettle them and draws were agreed in all their games apart from Arun Maini's where we soon held a piece and pawns advantage. Arun took rather longer than I anticipated to score the win but this board was never in doubt. The results than started to roll in. Our overall mastery of the lower boards continued, Alan Robinson had torn into Heather Coupe's king side early on and had rook and several pawns for bishop and knight, he then contrived to get his queen stuck on a8. It was marooned there for some time with a opposing knight still on b8; bishop on c7, pawn on a7 and Black queen on b6. As usual immediately after the time control, the Notts player broke out of these shackles and scored his customary win. Further wins were added by Alan Kenyon and Greg Paxton. Alan's knight stood like a sentinel on d3 controlling the whole of his opponent's side of the board. White couldn't move the knight and his position soon collapsed. Greg Paxton won a pawn in a minor piece ending, forcing an advanced passed pawn and his opponent's resignation followed. There were a couple of draws on Boards 1 & 12 and the only local setback came on Board Six where Bob Garnett found himself restricted to his second rank whilst his opponent's major pieces marauded up and down the back rank. A weakness was soon found with a Yorkshire win the result. So after thirteen games declared the score was 8-5 to Notts.

After that it was downhill, Graham Neal's youthful opponent simplified excellently and played a king and pawn ending impeccably; 8-6. Robert Willoughby was a pawn down in an extremely complex minor piece ending of 2Bs v B+N; there may have been a correct plan to save the game but it was impossible to find over the board, 8-7. On Board Four, Peter Gorecka-Marshall had a rook and pawn ending. The key element here was the clock, Peter had just four minutes to his opponents 34 minutes. Under normal circumstances I'm sure Peter could have held the position but in this case the mistakes were there waiting to made and Yorkshire needed a win. The position was just too complex to play in the time available and duly the match was tied at 8-8.

Can I now return to Board Three. I can only give the position from the Notts view; I am not party to what I believe are some pretty acrimonious e-mails to which, thankfully, I haven't been copied. The away side had not cleared Quinton Lip as required under the Rules before the match; whilst this may be regarded as a technicality which in itself could have lost the match, a more serious problem emerged in that research I conducted post-match showed his grading over 21 games between Jan-April 2010 to be 163. This information was available on the Yorkshire Chess Association website. His play in the match clearly indicated that he was too strong for an Under 140 event. I raised an appeal on the basis he was not eligible to play based on his grading and this was upheld by the Event Controller. Yorkshire made a counter-appeal against this decision – they also raised an appeal themselves on Greg Paxton's eligibility (I believe) I had correctly cleared Greg prior to the match with Surrey and held an e-mail to the effect he was eligible to play so I have no idea on what basis this appeal could have been made. In due course I received an e-mail from the ECF and a copy of the rulings made by the ECF Chief Arbiter to whom the appeals had been sent. In respect of Quinton Lip he said ”The Controller's Decision is UPHELD” and commented “Quinton Lip is not eligible for the U-140 team, in fact he is not even eligible for the U-160 team”. In respect of Greg Paxton's eligibility he said “The formal complaint from Yorkshire is UNFOUNDED” - and commented “he had a grade estimated on the evidence available; the National Grader confirms he is still eligible”. What other points were raised I don't know.

It is unfortunate that the match ended this way; on the other hand the responsibility for ensuring eligibility remains fairly and squarely with the captain. I will be proposing a change in the competition rules to ensure that this shouldn't happen again. In the interim onward and upward to the national finals, July 10th at Leicester.

Nottinghamshire U140 - Yorkshire U140
19 June 2010
Selston Parish Hall
Board Grade Grade
1 Thomson, James 139 ½–½ Bailey, Paul 124
2 Willoughby, Robert 138 0-1 Hall, Richard 130
3 Davies, Norman 134 0-1 Lip, Quinton u/g
4 Gorecka Marshall, P 137 0-1 Marshall, Kevin 123
5 Zhang, Michael 134 ½–½ Sim, Chean Yean 129
6 Garnett, Robert 135 0-1 Zziwa, Habibu 125e
7 Neil, Graham 135e 0-1 Hackner, Oskar 128e
8 Nailard, Mike 133 ½–½ Li, Harry 127
9 Garside, Andrew 133 ½–½ White, Richard 121
10 Kenyon, Alan 132 1-0 Cowan, Andrew 124
11 Robinson, Alan 131 1-0 Coupe, Heather 124
12 Gibson, Graham 132 ½–½ Fozard, Francesca 125
13 Paxton, Greg 129e 1-0 Hipshon, John 126
14 Mackay, Ross 127 ½–½ Duckworth, Jack 122
15 Maini, Arun 127 1-0 Hughes, Raryl 106
16 Graham, Neil 135 1-0 default

Nottinghamshire U140 – Surrey U140

National Quarter Finals: Nottinghamshire won a close match against Surrey, beating them 8½-7½.

Report by: Neil Graham

I had some difficulty raising the last player for the national quarter-finals, all my reserves were on Under 120 duty, and am indebted to Derek Cronshaw for finding an extra player. Surrey, winners of the SCCU zone with 9/10, looked tough opposition but Notts got off to a flyer after Bob Willoughby won in just eight moves. Although Notts maintained this early lead, I can't really give more details as I was busy losing my own game but at the first time control Surrey had pulled back to 5-5 with six playing. Alan Robinson had control of some open files and Andrew Garside's opponent had what looked to be a lost ending with only a couple of minutes left on his clock against a hour for Andrew; soon both local players had scored the full point to give Notts a 7-5 lead. On the bottom boards though the positions were poor; both Graham Gibson and Derek Cronshaw with lost king and pawn endings. Their opponents made no mistakes and levelled the scores at 7-7. This left the two remaining games involving Alan Kenyon and Norman Davies to settle the match with Surrey knowing that a draw would leave them losers on Board Count. Alan had been the exchange up for some time but his king was exposed to attack from the Surrey captain's heavy pieces. In the end the southern player opted for a perpetual check so score 7½-7½. It then all went down to Norman's game where we held a time advantage in what can only be described as a complex position. Norman won a piece but his opponent with only a couple of minutes on the clock had a central pawn streamroller heading for the queening squares. With both players in acute time trouble, the Surrey player picked up his king and then put it down and executed a rook move. Norman rightly claimed an illegality, gained an extra two minutes and shortly afterwards the Surrey clock fell – and Notts had won by the narrowest possible margin.

Surrey U140 – Nottinghamshire U140
22 May 2010
Milton Keynes
Board Grade Grade
1 Sathiraju, Vijay 137 ½–½ Thomson, James 139
2 Andrew, Ben 132 0-1 Willoughby, Robert 138
3 Harford, Alun 137 1–0 Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 137
4 Miller, Allen 137 0-1 Davies, Norman 134
5 Smith, Gary 136 1-0 Graham, Neil 135
6 Rhodes, Peter 135e 0–1 Garnett, Robert 135
7 Driver, Nick 134 ½–½ Neil, Graham 135e
8 Horlock, Peter 137 0-1 Nailard, Mike 133
9 Pozzo, Domini 136 0-1 Garside, Andrew 133
10 Howes, David 131 ½–½ Kenyon, Alan 132
11 Shepherd, Katherine 131 0-1 Robinson, Alan 131
12 Chamberlain, Ken 127 1-0 Gibson, Graham 132
13 Walker, Julian 127 0-1 Paxton, Greg 129e
14 Gunn, Mike 127 1-0 Mackay, Ross 127
15 Yaimakis, Albert 125 1-0 Parker, Robert 124
16 Davis, Richard 125 1-0 Cronshaw, Derek 123

Nottinghamshire U140 – Worcestershire U140

Neil Graham

As suggested, Worcestershire proved tougher opponents than Staffs and the match began inauspiciously as at pick-up we were a player short (long story) - however Graham Garside was collected to make up the numbers. The match was played at a neutral venue and unfortunately Graham lost, apparently to an opening trap, very soon after the match started so we effectively started with a point deficit. I had a particularly tough game so can't really give any highlights; suffice it to say that it was all very close; Michael Zhang and Arun Maini were the early Notts winners. With about fifteen minutes to go to the time control, I managed a quick look at the score and it was 5-5. Four of the top five boards were still playing with Norman Davies whose game was next to mine the only finisher with a queen for rook/bishop and this advantage together with outside passed pawns gave him a good win. The remaining two games in progress lower down were Alan Robinson and Derek Cronshaw. At the time control three games had been declared and the score was tied at 6½-6½. The remaining games left were James Thomson, Alan Robinson and myself. I have no idea how Alan and James finished their games but suddenly there were smiles all round and I was told we had won the match 8½-6½. I was two pawns up in my own game but the win, clearly there, was by no means easy to execute and rather than spend the remaining 35 minutes of the match in what looked to be a long grind, I offered my opponent a draw and the match was over 9-7 to Notts and we were the first Under 140 Midlands Champions.

Can I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has represented Notts over this campaign. Can I thank those players who have provided transport particularly Mike Nailard with a special mention to Penny Mackay who has transported our junior team members to most of the away matches.

The team has a backbone of seasoned county players who have played well however we have relied on our younger players Michael Zhang, Ross Mackay, Andrew Garside, Arun Maini and Ashton Alfred to make winning contributions in these last two vital matches.

In the quarter finals we have the toughest possible draw when we face Surrey, the SCCU champions on May 22nd. I would be pleased if everyone can mark up their calendars now!

Nottinghamshire U140 – Worcestershire U140
13 March2010
Water Orton
Board Grade Grade
1 Thomson, James 139 1–0 Scriven, David 139
2 Willoughby, Robert 138 0–1 Davis, Ashley 138
3 Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 137 1–0 Curry, Don 137
4 Davies, Norman 134 1–0 Truscott, Ian 136
5 Graham, Neil 135 ½–½ Shaw, Tony 134
6 Zhang, Michael 134 1–0 Bott, Doug 131
7 Neil, Graham 135e ½–½ Watson, Bill 129
8 Nailard, Mike 133 ½–½ Yates, Tim 129
9 Garside, Andrew 133 ½–½ Gittus, John 126
10 Robinson, Alan 131 1–0 Krowicki, Krzysztof 126
11 Brown, Alan 131 0–1 Bricknell, Rob 125
12 Mackay, Ross 127 ½–½ Stanton, Giles 125
13 Maini, Arun 127 1–0 Clack, Michele 124
14 Parker, Robert 124 0–1 O'Gorman, T Francis 124
15 Cronshaw, Derek 123 ½–½ Clack, Ian 122
16 Garside, Graham (reserve) 73 0–1 Banks, Peter 121

Staffordshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140

Cross Table
P W D L Pts
Worcs 4 3 1 0 7
Notts 4 3 0 1 6
Staffs 4 2 1 1 5
Warks 4 2 0 2 4
Derbys 4 1 0 2 2
Shrops 4 0 0 4 0

Neil Graham

The first of two 'must win' matches was accomplashed, the second match is against Worcesteshire. Further report to follow.

Despite a dispute with a sat-nav eventually all 16 Nottinghamshire players sat down to play against Staffordshire at Bushbury. Notts started with an early win from Ross Mackay who won a piece and I am indebted to Ross for keeping a record of the scores as they came in.

A draw from Robert Parker followed by wins from Andrew Garside and Alan Kenyon gave Notts an early 3½-½ lead. Andrew's win was rather luckier than Alan who played out an excellent victory. Chris Lewis's game was always equal but after this draw Graham Neil had to concede after his king was caught out in the centre. Score 4-2 to Notts. Ashton Alfred increased the Notts lead and a couple of hard-fought draws from Barry Redburn and Derek Cronshaw maintained a healthy gap - score 6-3 to Notts. The two top boards then evened themselves out with a loss for James Thomson countered by Bob Willoughby's win (7-4). It looked as if Mike Nailard would ensure that Notts couldn't lose but his opponent managed to find an outrageous swindle just as Mike was about to force mate and it was left to the captain (me) to bring up the 8 points (8-5). Although Alan Brown had to concede at the time control as he had a lost ending, the result was never in doubt as Michael Zhang had been winning a rook and pawn ending for ages. Although his opponent wriggled about a lot eventually he had to concede. The final game to finish involved Alan Robinson and initially it looked as if it could go to the full distance. However Alan was able to engineer a piece exchange that left him with an unstoppable passed pawn so the final result was 10-6 to Notts.

We were always at least two points ahead of Staffordshire and at no time did it look as if we'd lose. Our final match against Worcestershire I anticipate will be a sterner test.

Staffordshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140
6 February2010
Bushbury Comunity Centre
Board Grade Grade
1 Wyza, Matthew 137 1–0 Thomson, James 139
2 Edwards, Roger 136 0–1 Willoughby, Robert 138
3 Button, John 135 ½–½ Lewis, Chris 136
4 Green, Conrad 125 ½–½ Redburn, Barry 136
5 Healey, Tom 131 0–1 Graham, Neil 135
6 Onions, Sam 130 1–0 Neil, Graham 135e
7 Page, Michael 129 0–1 Zhang, Michael 134
8 Dolan, Ray 127 1–0 Nailard, Mike 133
9 Birchall, Brian 125 0–1 Garside, Andrew 133
10 Dobson, Alan 125 0–1 Kenyon, Alan 132
11 Montague, John 124 0–1 Robinson, Alan 131
12 Ferry, Clive 124 1–0 Brown, Alan 131
13 Nesbitt, Denis 120 0–1 Alfred, Ashton 130
14 Warklate, Karl 111 0–1 Mackay, Ross 127
15 Green, Eliott 109 ½–½ Parker, Robert 124
16 Shaw, Peter 107 ½–½ Cronshaw, Derek 123

Nottinghamshire U140 – Shropshire U140

Neil Graham

The weakest county in the zone conceded three boards prior to the match and only on the top four boards looked anything like competitive. Consequently apart from one draw, Notts mopped up boards 5-13 where the Salopians dropped pieces and games with monotonous regularity. Special mention for Mark Kenyon whose win came in a king and pawn ending. Board Four played too quickly and lost to a simple tactical point but Shropshire held a pawn advantage on Board Three for ages but after turning down several draw offers, the Shropshire junior marched his king up the board and managed to get into a self-mate. Board one was halved and it was left to the last game to finish for the away side to score their only win of the match

Nottinghamshire U140 – Shropshire U140
16 January 2010
Annesley Woodhouse
Board Grade Grade
1 Thomson, James 139 ½–½ Shepherd, Graham 139
2 Willoughby, Robert 138 0–1 Peck, Windsor 134
3 Davies, Norman 134 1–0 Mehmood, Athar 133
4 Graham, Neil 135 1–0 Paul, Nathanael 131
5 Nailard, Mike 133 1–0 Rooney, Francis 110
6 Garside, Andrew 133 1–0 Pugh, Maisy 100E
7 Kenyon, Alan 132 1–0 Davenport, Huw 99
8 Robinson, Alan 131 1–0 Best, Matthew 95
9 Maini, Arun 127 ½–½ Szwajkun, Richard 94
10 Cronshaw, Derek 123 1–0 Newey, Jonathan 91
11 Kenyon, Mark 112 1–0 Szwajkun, Steve 81
12 Sayer, Ray 121 1–0 Heath, Richard 50E
13 Kenyon, James 99 1–0 Dixon, Alex 50E
14 1–0 Default
15 1–0 Default
16 1–0 Default

Warwickshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140

Neil Graham

I have never had such a problem raising a county side as the pre-Christmas match against Warwickshire. All our juniors were on England-trial duties across the country and add to that the unavailability of most of the chess playing populace for any number of reasons. Eventually I managed to get seven squad members together plus a random assortment of other players who I would like to thank for stepping in and playing (plus providing transport in some cases). As it was we held Warwicks on the top but they trounced us on the lower boards. I travelled with fifteen players and the home side were able to provide a substitute for their absent board to take the early lead. Norman Davies quickly levelled things but after that it was all downhill. On the lower boards Charlotte Atwood held a winning position but went astray. Len Morrell and Ben Hobson did make excellent contributions but Warwicks ground out the wins to score a convincing victory.

Warwickshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140
12 December 2009
Quinton, Birmingham
Board Grade Grade
1 Brelsforth, Dave 138 ½–½ Thomson, James 139
2 Wilson, Sandy 137 ½–½ Willoughby, Robert 138
3 Biddle, Mick 136 ½–½ Lewis, Chris 136
4 Harrington, Mike 137 0–1 Davies, Norman 134
5 Brodie, Ian 134 ½–½ Graham, Neil 135
6 Jimenez, Frank 132 ½–½ Nailard, Mike 133
7 Pitt, Chris 131 1–0 Cronshaw, Derek 123
8 Choudury, Shakeel 135 1–0 Clegg, Tracey 119
9 Hussain, Adrian 128 1–0 Dawson, Rick 116
10 Al-Samir, Medhi 133 ½–½ Hobson, Ben 115
11 Gilbert, Kim 129 0–1 Morrell, Len 115
12 Walker, Mike 131 1–0 Kacprzak, Lukaks 111
13 Llewelyn, John 128 1–0 Flint, Andrew UG
14 Green, John 125 1–0 Heath, Ken 98
15 Hodkinson, Peter 120 1–0 Attwood, Charlotte 89
16 Woodward, Pauline UG 1–0 Default

Derbyshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140

Neil Graham

Nottinghamshire began the 2009/10 with a relatively easy win over Derbyshire. My own dreadful form continued and I was just on my way to record the first result on the scoresheet when I saw Alan Brown's knight bounce into the middle of his opponent's position forking most of his major pieces so he quickly evened the score. Our junior players were in fine form most notably Andrew Garside who saw his way through a most complicated position against David Dunne. Quite what David was doing playing for Derbyshire is a mystery. As the points and draws rolled in Notts had soon established a winning advantage. The later games to finish saw Bert Loomes try to save an impossible king and pawn ending where a loss was inevitable; Vaughan Smith making a complete hash of his game against Mike Nailard and finally Ron Harrison restoring some pride for the home side after a tough battle against Graham Gibson.

Derbyshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140
10 October 2009
Board Grade Grade
1 Pickering, David 139 ½–½ Thomson, James 139
2 Alldread, Luke 138 0–1 Willoughby, Robert 138
3 Castro, Jaime 136 1–0 Garnett, Robert 136
4 Atkins, Nathan 135 1–0 Graham, Neil 136
5 Webster, Alex 134 0–1 Zhang, Michael 134
6 Hoggarth, William 133 0–1 Davies, Norman 134
7 Smith, Vaughn 132 0–1 Nailard, Mike 133
8 Dunne, David 128 0–1 Garside, Andrew 133
9 Harrison, Ron 128 1–0 Gibson, Graham 132
10 Hickling, Richard 127 0–1 Brown, Alan 131
11 Bramley, Doug 124 0–1 Robinson, Alan 130
12 Loomes, Bert 123 0–1 Alfred, Ashton 130
13 Cockburn, Andre 121 0–1 Mackay, Ross 127
14 Pace, Graham 118 ½–½ Lavelle, Terry 124
15 Cofts, Brian 114e ½–½ Sayer, Ray 121
16 Marshall, Nigel 112 0–1 Dawson, Ric 116

Under 120

National Quarter Finals: Sadly Nottinghamshire lost out to Yorkshire 7-5
Yorkshire U120 – Nottinghamshire U120
22 May 2010
West Bretton
Board Grade Grade
1 Pells, R. 117 1-0 Clegg, T. 119
2 Cowan, A. 118 ½–½ Hargreaves, M. 117
3 Heminghway, I 104e 1-0 Callingham, H. 117
4 Wills, T 118e ½–½ Dawson, R. 116
5 Redmond, N 101 1-0 Morrell, L. 115
6 Johnson, I 117 ½–½ Jones, G. 113
7 Mahony, J 98 0-1 Edwards, J. 107
8 Coupe, D. 105 1-0 Todd, P. 104
9 Morton, J. 106 0-1 Kenyon, J. 99
10 Eagers, J. 106 ½–½ Blampied, D. 95
11 Roberts, J 100 0-1 Flint, A. u/g
12 Hughes, R. 106 1-0 Jones, H. 75

Nottinghamshire U120 – Staffordshire Bulldogs U120
13 March 2010
Sherwood Community Centre, Nottingham
Board Grade Grade
1 Clegg, T. 119 0–1 Evans, P. 119
2 Hargreaves, M. 117 ½–½ Jackson, P. 118
3 Callingham, H. 117 1–0 Molineux, D. 117
4 Dawson, R. 116 ½–½ Greenwood, M. 117
5 Frings, M. 116 1–0 Brodie, R. 115
6 Hobson, B. 115 0–1 May, K. 114
7 Morrell, L. 115 1–0 Colabella, A. 114
8 Dhir, Sandeep 113 ½–½ Buckley, D. 114
9 Croasdale, H. 108 1–0 Guest, P. 107
10 Kenyon, J. 99 1–0 Bateson, C 104
11 Heath, K. 99 0–1 Greengrass, P. 95
12 Blampied, D. 95 ½–½ Jonks, S. 94

StaffordshireTerriers U120 - Nottinghamshire U120
20 February 2010
Newcastle Bridge Club, Newcastle under Lyme
Board Grade Grade
1 Gryzbowski, K. 112 0–1 Clegg, T. 119
2 Walkate, K. 111 1-0 Hargreaves, M. 117
3 Shaw, P. 107 0-1 Dawson, R. 116
4 Emmerton, S. 106 ½–½ Hobson, B. 115
5 Cooper, S. 105 ½–½ Morrell, L. 115
6 Mansell, R. 103 1-0 Dhir, Sandeep 113
7 Hull, S. 99 0-1 Kenyon, M. 112
8 Mustafa, C. 98 0-1 Kacprzak, L. 111
9 Johnson, D. 96 ½–½ Todd, P. 104
10 Jones, D. 94 1-0 Kenyon, J. 99
11 Torbica, D. ug 1-0 Heath, K. 99
12 Crutchley, N. ug 0-1 Blampied, D. 95

Worcestershire U120 - Nottinghamshire U120
30 January 2010
Webheath, Redditch
Board Grade Grade
1 Friar, James 116 ½–½ Clegg, T. 119
2 Clark, M. 119 ½–½ Dawson, R. 116
3 Pountney, T. 115 ½–½ Hobson, B. 115
4 Day, K. 106 ½–½ Morrell, L. 115
5 Collett, R. 112 1-0 Dhir, Sandeep 113
6 Turner, R. 115 1-0 Kacprzak, L. 111
7 Wood, P. 106 1-0 Todd, P. 104
8 Friar, Joseph 100 1-0 Flint, A. ug
9 Taylor, T. 102 0-1 Heath, K. 99
10 Seeley, P. ug ½–½ Swift, S. 100
11 Evans, J. 86 ½–½ Blampied, D. 95
12 Holmberg, J. 86 0-1 Attwood, C. 89

Nottinghamshire U120 – Leicestershire U120
14 November 2009
Sherwood Community Centre, Nottingham
Board Grade Grade
1 Callingham, H. 117 ½–½ Adams, M. 119
2 Dawson, R. 116 ½–½ Stone, R. 118
3 Hobson, B. 115 0-1 Eastlake, C. 118
4 Hargreaves, M. 117 1-0 Bailey, B. 116
5 Morrell, L. 115 1-0 Hollingworth, S. 112
6 Kenyon, M. 112 1-0 Davis, R. 108
7 Dhir, Sandeep 113 0-1 King, R. 106
8 O'Brien R. 100 1-0 Creasey, J. 100
9 Flint, A. ug 0-1 Clay, T. 99
10 Todd, P. 104 0-1 Mitton, J. 90
11 Kenyon, J. 99 1-0 Williams, T. 93
12 Blampied, D. 95 1-0 Roberts, N. 85

Nottingham conceded their first match (against Warwickshire)