Executive Committee
This page contains minutes of Executive Committee meetings, Objectives of the Executive Committee, and Standing Orders of the Executive Committee.
Minutes – 2013–14
Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting held 9th August 2013
Present: Tim Walker (TW), Alan Kenyon (AK), Steve Burke (SJB), Maurice Hill (MH), Neil Graham (NG), Rob Richmond (RJR) and Andy Walker (ANW)
1 Membership
The other members confirmed the co-options listed above. EC welcomed TW to his first meeting, and expressed its thanks to David Levens, who had served on EC for many years. [Action: ANW] TW was elected to the chair, and ANW agreed to take minutes for this meeting; NG agreed to take minutes for the next meeting.
2 Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes had failed to note that the Rapidplay finances would be deferred to next year's accounts. The date for the Bramcote booking was 7th-8th December, not November. With these changes, the minutes were approved. All matters arising were on the agenda for this meeting.
3 County teams
NG circulated a paper outlining his proposals for his new role as NCA Match Secretary. He would not be captain 'on the day', but undertook to raise teams, arrange venues and liaise with MCCU. He would discuss potential captaincies with the individuals concerned. [Action: NG] Judging from the new grading lists, there would be ample players for the U160, U140, U120 and U100 teams. The U180 team was more problematic. The judgement was that there would be problems raising teams unless some of the U160 players were used. However, the extra players available seemed to make a Minor team viable. It was agreed that Notts should enter the Minor competition for this season. It was noted that MCCU could nominate teams for the ECF final stages; NG would investigate whether Notts could volunteer for the final stages of the U180 competition, in which we had previously been one of only two teams. [Action: NG]
4 County Championship, Rapidplay and Congress dates and preparation
Entry forms are now available. ECF is advertising pairing software. David Coates has enhanced the online booking forms so that payment can be made by Paypal.
5 Best Game prize
SJB had submitted a paper. However, it was felt that the prize should not be over-burdened with rules, so the contents were noted, but no change to current practice was mandated.
6 Constitution, League Rules and EC Standing Orders
Substantive discussion was deferred to the November meeting. A number of inconsistencies had been noted. RJR would prepare a paper. Preliminary comments should be with RJR by mid-October [Action: RJR, EC]
7 Bank and Building Society signatures
SJB has the new mandate. New signatories should go in to their branches. [Action: SJB]
8 England team funding
A request from Roger Edwards [ECF] for members to help fund the England team for the European Championships in Poland in November was noted. EC agreed to take no action on this.
9 'Blue sky' thinking
Part of EC's remit is to consider longer-term strategies for NCA; for instance, an earlier EC had contemplated the possibility of a central venue for chess in Nottingham. Although this was unlikely to be viable, TW agreed to contact David Levens to see what progress had been made on the earlier occasion. [Action: TW] Other possibilities included, but were not confined to, a new book on the great 1936 tournament, the development of the web site to include more about the history of NCA, and ideas to improve publicity. New ideas would be welcome. [Action: EC]
10 Aims for the season
It was agreed that EC should set itself some priorities for the coming season. These would be to tidy up the Constitution, to set a junior policy in liaison with David Levens, and to improve our publicity, also in liaison with David Levens. [Action: TW]
11 Date of next meetings
15th November and 10th June, to precede the County Championship and Rapidplay.
12 Any other business
League fixtures were nearly ready. RJR's proposed dinner to celebrate the end of his Presidency had had few takers thus far. Responses ASAP. [Action: EC] The 'official' aliases for e-mails, "secretary@nottschess.org" etc., needed to be updated to reflect new officers and committes. SJB would check with David Coates. [Action: SJB]