General Meeting

This page contains minutes of General meetings, rules revision, appointments, amendments to constitution.

Minutes – 2013–14

Minutes of General Meeting held 7:30pm, 21 July 2014 at West Notts Chess Club

Present: T Walker (Chair), A Kenyon (Secretary), S Burke (Treasurer), D Griffiths, M Hill, P Sherlock, A N Walker, N Graham, J Swain, D Blampied, R Mitchell, M Taylor, A Robins, J Litherland, C Grainger, S Scott, R Richmond, F Hill

1. Apologies: Received from S Foster, D Levens, N London, B Redburn, D Sudar, B Hayward

2. Minutes of previous meeting, matters arising

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted and approved. A matter arising was to locate all trophies and discuss the presentation of these at the next meeting.

3. Presentation of prizes

Division 5 Winners – Ratcliffe and Bingham 3

Best game prize – awarded to S Burke.

4. Officers Reports

  1. President – the paper presented at the meeting was proposed and accepted.
  2. Secretary/Executive Committee – A Kenyon reported a quiet year with nothing of note to report.
  3. Finance:
    1. Treasurers Report

      S Burke reported a loss of around £1600 for the year due largely to 2 exceptional items- the purchase of digital clocks and the loss on the Rapid Play event. A small number of players have not paid their ECF membership and will be invoiced by NCA for game fees. S Burke proposed that fees for 2014-15 remained unchanged. This was agreed unanimously.

    2. Auditors Report – D Griffiths confirmed the accounts as an accurate record.

    3. Approval of accounts – the accounts were approved unanimously.

  4. League Secretary – S Burke presented the report which was accepted unanimously. There was some discussion of the issues raised as a consequence of a West Notts team defaulting a number of games and fielding incomplete teams. J Collins has apologised on behalf of the club and WN have discussed how to avoid this recurring at its recent AGM.
  5. Records Secretary – D Griffiths reported that all captains (with the exception of 2 WN teams) had been very prompt with returning results to him and wished to thank club captains for this publicly. There was a request to ensure that for new players in the league club captains provide full details to support the work of the records secretary.
  6. LMC Report – M Hill reported that there were no significant issues during the year. Communication was generally through email to reduce workload. A meeting will be convened to discuss the structure of the league and the league handbook.
  7. Congress/ Rapid Play/County Champs – R Richmond reported that the High School has been secured as a venue for the coming year but this will lead to increased costs. However, entry fees will be very much in line with similar events across the country. Most entries are now online but postal entries are still accepted.
  8. Match Secretary – N Graham reported a successful season with regards the county teams. 3 teams reached the National Finals with the U120 team winning the final. Entry to the Minor as opposed the U180 had been a success. N G was congratulated for his hard work in coordinating the teams during the last year.
  9. Correspondence Report – the report was accepted unanimously.
  10. Grader – P Sherlock reported and asked if anyone knew the identity of a player who had played for West Notts (Hobbs). S Scott to investigate and report back.
  11. ECF/MCCU delegates – R Richmond/ P Sherlock report was accepted. NCA are able to submit proposals for rule changes that will be considered at the next Executive Committee Meeting.
  12. Publicity/School Liaison – D Levens reports were accepted. T Walker said there has been greater coordination for the coming year to ensure that NPSCA and Congress/tournaments do not clash. The Association is also able to ask for dates of U100/U120 matches to be avoided if necessary.

5. Election of officers -

President: Tim Walker
Secretary: Alan Kenyon
Treasurer: Steve Burke
League Secretary: Steve Burke
Records Secretary: David Griffiths
Congress/ Rapidplay/County Championships: Robert Richmond
County Match Secretary: Neil Graham
Correspondence: Stephen Foster
Grader: Peter Sherlock
Auditor: David Griffiths
ECF Delegate: Robert Richmond
MCCU Delegate: Drag Sudar, Robert Richmond, Tim Walker
Publicity/School Liaison: It was proposed and accepted that the EC be authorised to consider the structure of junior chess and appoint officers it considered appropriate. Executive Committee: Neil Graham and Robert Richmond were appointd as additional members.
Webmaster: David Coates
LMC: Maurice Hill, Chris Holt, Nick London, Drag Sudar, Chris Budd (Reserves: Jack Litherland, Richard Myers)

6. AOB:

  1. No smoking rule B 12 b. It was agreed unanimously that this be extended to include e-cigarettes. LMC to consider proposal at the next RRM meeting.
  2. Use of Bramcote venue – S Scott said that the venue could be used for all meetings subject to reimbursement of cost of room hire. This was agreed.
  3. FIDE rule changes will be summarised by N Graham and forwarded to LMC/R Richmond.

The meeting closed at 10.05pm