Inter-County Championship 2014–15

Results and reports from the county’s matches will appear here throughout the season.

Previous years


Nottinghamshire – Leicestershire

Report from Neil Graham

On paper the match between Notts and Leicestershire looked like a close affair – both teams had an average grade of just over 172. The match opened with a win for Tim Poole but unfortunately it was all downhill from then on for the county 1st team. After Tim’s win a most unusual occurrence was a loss for the normally dependable Brian Thompson and a whole series of draws which meant that after seven games the match was tied at 3½-3½.

With nine more boards to declare it might have been expected that Notts would mount a challenge but, in fact, the remaining boards went 7-2 in the visitor’s favour. The sole local win came from Robert Richmond but even in this game the Leicestershire stand-in captain Andy Morley assured me he was winning but a blunder in time trouble meant that he was unable to end a six game run of games where he has been unable to score any better than a draw against the Notts player. Drag Sudar and Alex Combie were able to add further draws but that was the sum total for the afternoon.

The final game to finish was the battle between Alan Byron and Pablo Padilla Cabero which was a repeat from last season’s Midland final. In that match Pablo’s last ditch win enabled us to take the Midlands title but in a frantic time scramble that mirrored the preceding game Alan scored the full point with just a few seconds remaining on both clocks.

Nottinghamshire - Leicestershire
6 December 2014
Board Colour  Grade Grade
1 W Mercs, Peter 193 0-1 Burrows, Martin 206
2 B Padilla Cabero, Pablo 191 0-1 Byron, Alan  194
3 W Combie, Alexander 189 ½–½ Sharpe, Graham 186
4 B Richmond, Robert 186 1-0 Morley, Andy 189
5 W Truman, Richard 182 0-1 Galligan, Brian 179
6 B George, Andy 180 0-1 Okhai, Shabir 172
7 W Walker, Andy 173 ½–½ Robinson, John 172
8 B Hunter, Steve 172 0-1 Colburn, Paul 179
9 W Burke, Steve 171 ½–½ Sheahan, Sean 173
10 B Thompson, Brian 171 0-1 Mitchell, John 166
11 W Poole, Tim 166 1-0 Potter, Karl 160
12 B Hayward, Brian 160 ½–½ Hanscombe, Richard 165
13 W Gibson, Geoff 158 ½–½ Miller, James 161
14 B Flynn, Dave 157 0-1 Gramaticu, Constantin 158
15 W Ali, Hamzah 155 ½–½ Bingham, James 155
16 B Sudar, Drag 151 ½–½ Ward, Glyn 152

Nottinghamshire – Derbyshire

Report from Neil Graham

Derbyshire had trouble raising a team for this match and I offered to meet them over a reduced 14 boards. Considering we outgraded the away team on 13 of those 14 boards, this result was a bit of a scramble. Our wins came fairly early on from Pablo, Brian and Alexander whilst Andy W lost to what he describes as a desperado piece. Adi, again making his debut at this level had a good win, but Tim Poole went down. Interspersed with a large number of draws the match score with 12 of the games declared was 7-5 to Notts. David was dreadfully behind on time and it was no surprise when his flag appeared which ended the game. The final game was on Board Four where there was a claim for a third repetition of position. The claim by the Derbyshire player was not in accordance with the Laws of Chess but bearing in mind a draw would give Notts the match, I was relieved that the players agreed a half. I had not looked forward to trying to explain the Laws to the away player or worse still adjusting the clock! So all-in-all a close call for Notts.

Nottinghamshire - Derbyshire
8 November 2014
Board Colour  Grade Grade
1 W Mercs, Peter 193 ½–½ Johnson, Mike 182
2 B Padilla Cabero, Pablo 191 1-0 Bracey, Steve 175
3 W Combie, Alexander 189 1-0 Forey, Ray 177
4 B Richmond, Robert 186 ½–½ Cobham, Martin 163
5 W George, Andy 180 ½–½ Peters, George 163
6 B Walker, Andy 173 0-1 Natt, Tony 159
7 W Thompson, Brian 171 1-0 Pickering, Dave 161
8 B Willow, Jonah 166 ½–½ Hill, Maurice 145
9 W Poole, Tim 166 0-1 Dalley, Kevin 159
10 B Hayward, Brian 160 ½–½ Hoddy, John 161
11 W Munshi, Aditya 159 1-0 Moore, Paul 135
12 B Ali, Hamzah 155 ½–½ Edmundson, Ian 143
13 W Lane, Tim 151 ½–½ Hoddy, Dave 134
14 B Levens, David 149 0-1 Meyer, Dylan 123

Lincolnshire – Nottinghamshire

Report from Simon Scott (with some additions from Neil Graham)

The first match for the Minor Counties team was away to Lincolnshire, held at the Atrium of Lindum Building near North Hykeham. The venue was spacious and quiet, with good views towards Lincoln although some of us were held up by traffic. Fortunately, so was one of the suppliers of digital clocks, which meant that we kicked off 15 minutes later than scheduled.

Due to a last minute player cancellation, Neil Graham took on Board 16, and so it was left to me to keep an eye on the early stages of the games. To be honest, I don’t know what I was supposed to be looking at, but everything looked fine for the first hour.

Then came a draw on Board 9 by Brian Thompson with Kevin McCarthy, who have played each other too often to stomach a fight. I had to wait another half hour for the next results, a draw by Harry Croasdale on Board 11, but then a loss on Board 6 for Andy George.

This was a pattern for the rest of the match, a couple of draws followed by a Lincs win, and they already had a commanding lead by the time we had our first victory from Mark Radford who was a solid exchange up for some time. To be fair, we were outgraded on almost every board, particularly at the top so were always going to be up against it. And luck didn’t go our way either. Board 15 missed a mate when an exchange to the good and went on to lose whilst Neil’s opponent lost a piece for two pawns but the resultant ending of R, N & 2 against R & 4 looked impossible to win and he had to settle for a draw.

A fine win by debutant Kieran Child on board 7 was too little, too late, and Lincolnshire, hovering on 8 for some time, eventually forced resignation by Richard Truman when his queen vs two rooks and a knight proved too much for the lone consort and this established a 9-5 winning margin for Lincs.

With two games left, the score was given some respectability by Jonah Willow playing a superb bishop endgame to win on Board 10. We left with Alex Combie still struggling to avert what looked like inevitable defeat. However in a time scramble turnaround, Alex checkmated Paul Cumbers with 52 seconds to spare; the Lincolnshire player having a mere 15 seconds left.

Overall, a valiant effort from a team missing its top players - and it showed! Let’s hope we can turn it around for the next match.

Lincolnshire - Nottinghamshire
18 October 2014
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Dorrington, Chris 228 1-0 Mercs, Peter 193
2 W Mangione, Claudio 208 ½–½ Cabero, Pablo Padilla 191
3 B Cumbers, Paul 200 0-1 Combie, Alexander 189
4 W Prior, Stephen 188 1-0 Richmond, Robert 186
5 B Kilshaw, Joe 186 1-0 Truman, Richard 182
6 W Birtwistle, Nigel 186 1-0 George, Andy 180
7 B Stead, Nick 180 0-1 Child, Kieran 178
8 W Russell, Harry 176 ½–½ Walker, Andy 173
9 B McCarthy, Kevin 174 ½–½ Thompson, Brian 171
10 W Palmer, Keith 167 0-1 Willow, Jonah 166
11 B Hebert, Andrew 166 ½–½ Croasdale, Harry 165
12 W McDonald, Ian 159 ½–½ Hayward, Brian 160
13 B Summers, Alastair 156 1-0 Sudar, Drag 151
14 W David, Ivan 154 0-1 Radford, Mark 153
15 B Ladds, Graham 154 1-0 Taylor, Bob 149
16 W Allott, Steve 150 ½–½ Graham, Neil 144

Under 180

Devon U180 – Nottinghamshire U180

The list of players unavailable for the Under 180 & Under 160 matches was immense, not helped by the usual last-minute withdrawals. Both teams had to be supplemented by players from the Under 140 squad. Of course there was no chance of swapping or changing with the Under 180s facing Devon at Frampton-on-Severn whilst the Under 160s were pitted against Middlesex at the Open University, Milton Keynes.

The picturesque village of Frampton was the scene for Notts clash with Devon with a beautiful village green and with a pony & trap trotting down the main street. Venue was the Village Hall. We were able to field 10 players graded 160+ and enough make weights to ensure a closely contested match. There were good wins from Jonah Willow, Mike Naylor and Dave Flynn but with 14 of the results declared Notts trailed by 7½-6½.There is no-one I would rather have had to try and eke a win than Brian Thompson whose ingenuity at the end of games has always impressed me but this time he met his match in Devon’s captain Brian Hewson and we could do no more than draw. The final game involved Tim Lane but we were at a slight disadvantage here and certainly not in with a shout of a win; the agreed draw in the last couple of minutes of the match was enough to give Devon a win. 8-8 would have seen a Notts win on Board Count.

The games are available here:-

Devon - Nottinghamshire
16 May 2015
Frampton-on-Severn, Glos
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Underwood, Jonathan 179 1-0 Walker, Tim 179
2 B Regis, David 176 ½-½ Walker, Andy 173
3 W Brusey, Alan W 176 ½-½ Swain, John 175
4 B Hewson, Brian WR 174 ½-½ Thompson, Brian 171
5 W Shaw, Meyrick 170 0-1 Willow, Jonah 166
6 B Abbott, Mark V 173 1-0 Hunter, Steve 172
7 W Thynne, Trefor F 161 ½-½ Burke, Steve 171
8 B Ingham, H William 176 ½-½ Poole, Tim 166
9 W Dean, Steve K 167 0-1 Naylor, Mike 159
10 B Atkins, Keith P 157 ½-½ Hayward, Brian 160
11 W Toms, David A 151 0-1 Flynn, Dave 157
12 B Butland, Nick J 154 ½-½ Lane, Tim 151
13 W Annetts, Ivor S 162 ½-½ Graham, Neil 144
14 B Wensley, Oliver E 149 1-0 Brace, Peter 135
15 W Scott, Chris J 157 ½-½ Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 136
16 B Brooks, Paul 154 1-0 Scott, Simon 120


Nottinghamshire U180 – Warwickshire U180


Nottinghamshire - Warwickshire
24 January 2015
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Thompson, Brian 171 1-0 Smith, Simon 175
2 B Poole, Tim 166 ½-½ Bull, Philip 177
3 W Hayward, Brian 160 0-1 Green, Anthony 173
4 B Naylor, Mike 159 ½-½ Cundy, Mark 172
5 W Flynn, Dave 157 1-0 Smith, Richard 169
6 B Sudar, Drag 151 ½-½ Smyth, Martin 165
7 W Garside, Andrew 151 0-1 Sadler, Anthony 165
8 B Taylor, Bob 149 ½-½ Mildenhall, John 163
9 W Roper, Keith 147 0-1 Williams, Simon 159
10 B Wagenbach, Janos 147 0-1 Hope, Gary 158
11 W Pearson, Taylor 145 0-1 Reynolds, Richard 159
12 B Graham, Neil 144 0-1 Reynolds, Robert 158
13 W Taylor, Marcel 143 ½-½ Lawrence, Roy 155
14 B Morgan, Phil 143 1-0 Thomas, Keith 154
15 W Atiomo, William 141 ½-½ Byrne, Nigel 149
16 B Cranmer, Stan 139 ½-½ Fahy, John 146

Under 160

Nottinghamshire U160 – Middlesex U160

Report from Phil Morgan

Notts lost their quarter- final tie to Middlesex played at Milton Keynes on 16th May 2015. The game like the General Election campaign seemed in balance throughout. Although we were outgraded by on average 8 points, a board default from Middlesex, and wins on the top 2 boards from John Collins and Hamzah Ali appeared to present a good platform for victory. Even with the last board in play the likeliest result appeared a Notts. win on board count. Taylor Pearson's opponent hadn't read this script and cleverly found a way to win in a deceptively drawn-looking position. Gambit players scored particularly well with 2 wins and 3 draws. Our Northern-based players performed like the Labour Party in Scotland. A half-point from our car (Bob, Stan, George or myself) would have given us the win. We failed to take our chances... The Home Counties prosper whilst the regions stubbornly refuse to climb out of recession.

Nottinghamshire - Middlesex
16 May 2015
Open University, Milton Keynes, Bucks
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Collins, John 150 1-0 Campbell, Russell  153
2 W Ali, Hamzah 155 1-0 Boy Lazoni, Victor Hugo 159E
3 B Pearson, Taylor 145 0-1 Phillips, Bill 155
4 W Edwards, Richard 143 ½-½ Walsh, Steve 158
5 B Radford, Mark 153 ½-½ Morton, Peter 153
6 W Sudar, Drag 151 ½-½ Fountain, Mark 150
7 B Foster, Steve 145 0-1 Kennelly, Paul 156
8 W Taylor, Bob 149 0-1 McAleenan, Charles 151
9 B Roper, Keith 147 ½-½ Thursby, Richard 155
10 W Wagenbach, Janos 147 0-1 Rubeck, Jonathan 145
11 B Morgan, Phil 143 0-1 Dhemrait, Jagdeep 152
12 W Tassi, John 142 1-0 Scowen, Roger 152
13 B London, Nick 146 ½-½ Breed, Greg 151
14 W Taylor, Marcel 143 1-0 default  
15 B Cranmer, Stan 139 0-1 Jones, Keith 143
16 W Robinson, Alan 128 1-0 Zurstiege, Frank 151


Greater Manchester U160 – Nottinghamshire U160

Greater Manchester - Nottinghamshire
7 Feb 2015
Newcastle Bridge Club
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Hilton, Tim 158 ½-½ Munshi, Aditya 159
2 B Beresford, Alan 156 0-1 Gibson, Geoff 158
3 W Lonsdale, Jonathan 152 ½-½ Naylor, Mike 159
4 B Jardine, Chris 150 1-0 Herrington, Jerry 151
5 W Livesey, Nigel 152 0-1 Levens, David 149
6 B Whalley, Mark 156 0-1 Nabbs, Terry 153
7 W Moan, Francis 147 0-1 Aiton, Keith 155
8 B Lamb, Ian 141 0-1 Radford, Mark 153
9 W Pardoe, Dave 142 1-0 Garside, Andrew 151
10 B Phythian, Graham 141 ½-½ Sudar, Drag 151
11 W Hughes, Howard 135 0-1 Taylor, Bob 149
12 B Byrne, Tony 130 0-1 Foster, Steve 145
13 W Jerzynek, Neil 127 0-1 Lane, Tim 151
14 B Underwood, Shaun 119 0-1 Myers, Richard 150
15 W Wilkinson, Tony UG ½-½ Tassi, John 142
16 B Cooke, Edwin UG 0-1 London, Nick 146

Warwickshire U160 – Nottinghamshire U160

Report from Phil Morgan

Short of several regulars, and juniors, Notts. still proved too strong for their Midland rivals. We scored early wins from Darran Ince and Bob Taylor, and the points were then gradually reeled in with further wins from Geoff Gibson, Richard Myers, Marcel Taylor and John Tassi and three draws.

This placed us on the edge of victory on 7½ points with 4 games in play. There followed a nervy wait, and a bit of a fight-back, with Warwickshire winning on Boards 1 and 4. Dick Edwards clinched the team win, prevailing in a 2 Bishops against 2 Knights ending. Dave Flynn in the final game to finish, although very short of time, improved the margin of victory.

In graded team competitions the top boards are often closely contested, and the decisive games are on the lower boards. There was little between these teams in the top half. We had a wobble between Boards 8-11 but scored 4½/5 on the bottom boards, in line with our grading edge.

Warwickshire - Nottinghamshire
11 Oct 2014
Tyseley & District Working Mens Club, Warwick Road, Birmingham
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Williams, Simon 159 1-0 Naylor, Mike 159
2 B Reynolds, Robert 154 0-1 Gibson, Geoff 158
3 W Hope, Gary 158 0-1 Flynn, Dave 157
4 B Thomas, Keith 154 1-0 Aiton, Keith 155
5 W Wallman, Robert 153 ½-½ Garside, Andrew 151
6 B Lawrence, Roy 155 0-1 Myers, Richard 150
7 W Byrne, Nigel 149 0-1 Taylor, Bob 149
8 B Fahy, John 146 1-0 Mitchell, Rob 147
9 W Evans, Chris 143 1-0 Roper, Keith 147
10 B Burnet, Alan 142 ½-½ London, Nick 146
11 W Tallis, Mark 142 1-0 Wagenbach, Janos 147
12 B Dickson, Fred 136 0-1 Taylor, Marcel 143
13 W Maher, Mike 127 ½-½ Morgan, Phil 143
14 B Harrington, Mick 130 0-1 Edwards, Richard 143
15 W Kent, Arthur 128 0-1 Tassi, John 142
16 B Asbury, John 127 0-1 Ince, Darran 139

Under 140

Nottinghamshire U140 – Kent U140

I lost the toss in both matches so Kent took White on odd in the Under 140 Championship. We made no progress early on and the games on Boards 6, 11, 14 & 16 were all drawn in completely equal positions. However a glance elsewhere showed that we had problems; on Board One we had lost the exchange; on Board Three we had sacrificed the exchange for no compensation and we were a piece adrift on Board 15. Nowhere did a full point look in prospect. More draws came in and we duly lost on 1 & 15 plus a further loss on Board 8 so with nine boards declared we were 6-3 down. Last year Hampshire managed to come back from this score and indeed a mini-revival for us saw a further 2½ points from the next three declarations. First Notts winner was Terry Lavelle closely followed by James Thomson’s endgame win. However although Peter Brace had counter-attacked bravely he was now a rook down and the loss on Board Three gave Kent a 7½-5½ lead. Now nothing less than three wins would do (8-8 would have given Kent a win) but it was clear that the Board 9 game was beyond hope with Stan Cranmer trying to repel a passed pawn on the seventh rank with a bishop; his opponent still having bishop & knight. Graham Neil was offered a draw which after consideration we accepted; the Kent Board Nine who obviously wasn’t confident of mating with B & N v King agreed a draw and the final game on Board 10 gave Notts their third win. The Under 140 match gave Kent their sole win of the day as they went down in the other three finals.

Nottinghamshire U140 - Kent U140
4 Jul 2015
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Huthwaite, John 138 0-1 Heard, Andrew 136
2 Willoughby, Robert 133 ½–½ Everson, James 137
3 B Ince, Darran 139 ½–½ Davis, Derek 134
4 W Brace, Peter 135 0-1 Thompson, Robert 137
5 B Kenyon, Alan 138 0-1 Gilbert, David 132
6 W Walters, Keith 138 ½–½ Fowler, David 125
7 B Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 136 ½–½ Orr, David 127
8 W Thomson, James 134 1-0 Martin, Joe 131
9 B Cranmer, Stanley 139 ½–½ Sherriff, Alan 125
10 W Woodhouse, David 137 1-0 Mourant, Malcolm 126
11 B Nailard, Mike 123 ½–½ White, Graham 128
12 W Lavelle, Terry 131 1-0 Arnold, Paul 125
13 B Neil, Graham 124 ½–½ Tassell, Hugh 125
14 W Harper, Michael 129 ½–½ Pol, Jerry 122
15 B Bonnello, Chris 134 0-1 Jones, Michael 120
16 W Gibson, Graham 124 ½–½ Clark, Ian 121

Nottinghamshire U140 – Hampshire U140

Notts took an early lead against Hampshire and at the half way point were 5-3 to the good. Last year we were leading by 6-3 against the champions and they came back to win six of the last seven games to take the title. There was little surprise therefore that a sudden rush of wins enabled them to reverse the scoreline and lead by 7-6 with three to play. It was at this point that their captain blundered horrifically against Keith Walters giving away a rook for nothing and Notts had levelled the scores. Alan Kenyon had meanwhile exchanged into a clearly won ending and although his opponent played on, his position was clearly hopeless and a resignation soon followed. We rushed off to tell Robert Willoughby that a draw would be enough to give us the win but a half had already been agreed before we arrived at his board. So at last the Hampshire Hoodoo had been broken and we were in our second successive final.

Nottinghamshire U140 - Hampshire U140
13 June 2015
Open University, Milton Keynes
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Huthwaite, John 138 0-1 Manning, Andy 138
2 Willoughby, Robert 133 ½–½ Cleave, Bob  136
3 W Ince, Darran 139 0-1 Steele, Kevin 136
4 B Brace, Peter 135 1-0 Agostinelli, David 128
5 W Walters, Keith 138 1-0 Syed, Ashraf 139
6 B Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 136 ½–½ Feltham, George 139
7 W Thomson, James 134 1-0 Smeaton, Colin 130
8 B Kenyon, Alan 138 1-0 Young, Jonathan 129
9 W Cranmer, Stan 139 ½–½ Bonsey, Frank 128
10 B Woodhouse, David 137 0-1 Smith, Christopher 127
11 W Nailard, Mike 123 1-0 Watts, John 123
12 B Thompson, Andrew 120 1-0 Vanlint, Paul 115
13 W Neil, Graham 124 ½–½ Gething, Philip 121
14 B Scott, Simon 120 0-1 Pearce, Francis 126
15 W Bonnello, Chris 134 ½–½ Wyld, Ken 109
16 B Gibson, Graham 124 0-1 Eyles, Paul 98

Staffordshire U140 – Nottinghamshire U140

Report from Mike Nailard

The match was played at Newcastle Bridge Club which is a very good venue for playing chess. Our Car arrived in good time and we were greeted with a welcoming cup of tea (or coffee if preferred) and biscuits. Both teams had arrived more or less on time and the after the announcements the play started at 13:35.

At 14:50 I felt as if I had a slight positional plus (my opponent had a fixed backward pawn that put his rooks in to a defensive role), so I had a look around. The only other person with a noticeable advantage was John Huthwaite with an extra pawn and a positional edge.

Back to my game where I tried to develop my pieces to attack the backward pawn, but of course this swapped down to the rooks and two minor pieces each. Then I won a central pawn. Time for a cup of tea and another look around. So at 15:20 roughly half way through the match Notts had nudged ahead 2-1 with Peter Brace and James Thompson drawing and Mike Harper winning. We had extra pawns on boards 3, 8, 15 & 16. Then Chris Bonello won a rook for two pawns and Rob Willoughby had a beautiful position on board 10. Back to my game.

About twenty minutes I was told Rob had won and John Huthwaite had gone a rook up. 3-1 to Notts at this stage. By 16:00 it was 6-2 thanks to wins by Andrew Thompson, John Huthwaite and Chris Bonnello. Barry Redburn was the only casualty. By 16:15 I had won my game and Darren Ince drew on board 1 so Notts moved on to a 7½- 2½ lead.

I did not have to wait long to secure the match for Notts with Dave Griffiths winning and Terry Lavelle checkmating his opponent in the middle of the board. Peter Gorecka-Marshall had a good win. Graham Neil agreed a draw to make 11-3. Dave Woodhouse came second in his game and Alan Keynon was the last to finish with a solid draw to make Nottinghamshire under 140 team this year’s Midland Champions.

Neil Graham tells me that the National Quarter Finals will be the next game on May 16th.

Staffordshire U140 - Nottinghamshire U140
17 January 2015
Bridge Club
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Wood, Frank 137 ½–½ Ince, Darran 139
2 Day, John 129 ½–½ Kenyon, Alan 138
3 W Cartlidge, Jacob 129 0-1 Huthwaite, John 138
4 B Ferry, Clive 128 0-1 Griffiths, Dave 138
5 W Hoare, Michael 126 1-0 Woodhouse, David 137
6 B Molineux, Dave 126 0-1 Gorecka-Marshall, Peter 136
7 W Healings, Jack 125 ½–½ Brace, Peter 135
8 B Leadbetter, Andrew 125 0-1 Bonnello, Chris 134
9 W Beardmore, Sam 125 ½–½ Thomson, James 134
10 B Baptiste, Bernard 125 0-1 Willoughby, Robert 133
11 W Hawthorn, Julian 121 0-1 Lavelle, Terry 131
12 B Jarocki, Mike 118 1-0 Redburn, Barry 130
13 W Wright, Nic 117 0-1 Harper, Mike 129
14 B Windows, Peter 115 ½–½ Neil, Graham 124
15 W Johnson, Dave 115 0-1 Nailard, Mike 123
16 B Blackburn, Sandra 114 0-1 Thompson, Andrew 120

Under 120

Staffordshire U120 – Nottinghamshire U120


Staffordshire U120 - Nottinghamshire U120
21 February 2015
Newcastle-under-Lyme Bridge Club
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Clapham, Paul  109 ½–½ Budd, Chris 118
2 Page, Michael 111 1-0 Garside, Graham 113
3 B Johnson, David 115 1-0 Smith-McGloin, Sam 109
4 W Jarocki, Mike 118 ½–½ Allen, Patrick 116
5 B Wright, Nicholas 117 1-0 Fraser, Chris 113
6 W Guest, Paul 109 ½–½ Morrell, Len 107
7 B Blackburn, Sandra 114 ½–½ Kacprzak, Lukasz 112
8 W Barker, David 109 1-0 Gretton, Margaret 104
9 B Evans, Peter 109 0-1 Luland, Steve 103
10 W Cox, Chris 93 1-0 Kats, Marten 103
11 B Jones, Simon 104 1-0 Abrahart, Bob 99
12 W Buckley, David 91 1-0 Dawson, Ric 98

Nottinghamshire U120 – Worcestershire U120

Report from Neil Graham

Notts opened up an early lead against Worcestershire with wins from Michael Tellier, Alberto Rodriguez and Rohan Tandon. However when I returned from buying extra milk, I found that Worcs had equalised to 3½-3½ all. A glance at Boards 4, 8 and 10 was enough to show me that our players with White all stood well and it was no surprise to see all these games quickly converted into wins. A further victory on Board One and a draw on Board Five was enough to wrap up the match after only three hours play. It is hoped that this win might ensure progress to the national stage of the competition.

Nottinghamshire U120 - Worcestershire U120
6 December 2014
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Murfet, George 119 1-0 Smith, David 119
2 Dunne, Dave 117 0-1 Clark, Maureen 118
3 B Swanwick, Mike 114 ½–½ Collett, Richard 117
4 W Fraser, Chris 113 1-0 Bott, Doug 116
5 B Garside, Graham 113 ½–½ Stanton, Giles 107
6 W Kacprzak, Lukasz 112 0-1 Day, Kevin 106
7 B Tellier, Michael 108 1-0 Clack, Michele 105
8 W Morrell, Len 107 1-0 Thomas, Paul 104
9 B Kats, Marten 103 0-1 Radford, Terry 99
10 W Flint, Andy 102 1-0 Pountney, Terry 96
11 B Rodriguez, Alberto 97 1-0 Taylor, Tony 91
12 W Tandon, Rohan 75 1-0 Evans, Joyce 62

Nottinghamshire U120 – Lincolnshire U120

Report from Neil Graham

After the early loss in October to Warwickshire, a much stronger Nottinghamshire side assembled to meet Lincolnshire at Bramcote. Progress was serene as a whole host of wins appeared on the scoresheet before Lincolnshire found a reply. Nottinghamshire were winning by 8-0 or possibly 9-0 before the visitors troubled the scorer. I can only say that all the boards where we won looked in our favour when I glanced at them during play and I was especially pleased to see a win from another debutant, Rohan. The only boards where Lincs were likely to reply in fact ended in away victories and the match drew to a close with a hard-fought draw on Board One.

Nottinghamshire U120 - Lincolnshire U120
8 November 2014
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Willow, Hambel 118 ½–½ Orr, William 117
2 B Ensor, Rob 117 1-0 Fischer, Paul 117
3 W Dunne, Dave 117 1-0 Cumbers, Chris 112
4 B Swanwick, Mike 114 0-1 Scott, Gary 109
5 W Fraser, Chris 113 0-1 Ayton, Charles 109
6 B Kacprzak, Lukasz 112 1-0 Gutcher, Philip 105
7 W Garside, Graham 113 1-0 Robinson, Frank 105
8 B Tellier, Michael 108 1-0 Scott, David 99
9 W Morrell, Len 107 1-0 Newstead, Dr Mark 86
10 B Gretton, Margaret 104 1-0 Taylor, Will 81
11 W Luland, Steve 103 1-0 Marnoch, Cameron 75
12 B Tandon, Rohan 75 1-0 Southern, Dan 57

Warwickshire U120 – Nottinghamshire U120

Report from Neil Graham

Notts began their campaign to retain the national Under 120 title with a trip to Warwickshire and new venue Leamington Spa. The new home team captain Jason Madden had put on a marvellous spread which puts our tea & biscuits to shame. Unfortunately the Warwickshire supremacy also extended to over-the-board.

Notts were substantially short of Under 120 players and had to field a number of our Under 100 regulars; we had the same problem in our opening fixture last year. Once the match was in play I went off for a wander round the picturesque town and on my return found that we had established a 4-3 lead. There was also a dispute that I had to sort out as the home captain was in deep thought against Chris Budd. I’m still not quite certain of the facts but the original result, a win for Warwickshire, was quickly achieved after the players resumed the game.

Unfortunately the lead was the high point for Notts and whilst beating Warwicks on the upper boards, the lower boards were clearly drifting away from us and the home side duly picked up the full point on three of the remaining boards there plus another win in a hard fought game on Board Two. We must now concentrate on scoring points in our remaining matches.

Finally a welcome to Michael Tellier and Akmal Lathif who were making their debuts for Notts.

Warwickshire U120 - Nottinghamshire U120
4 October 2014
Lemington Spa
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Pakenham, John 119 0-1 Dunne, Dave 117
2 B Madden, Jason 119 1-0 Budd, Chris 118
3 W Trailor, Adam 119 1-0 Garside, Graham 113
4 B Gilbert, Kim 112 0-1 Tellier, Michael 108
5 W Green, John 113 ½–½ Morrell, Len 107
6 B Horsley, Dennis 110 ½–½ Gretton, Margaret 104
7 W Wood, Penny 108 0-1 Abrahart, Bob 99
8 B Hodges, John 105 1-0 Morley, Stephen 94
9 W Stiff, Peter 106 1-0 Attwood, Charlotte 93
10 B Weaver, Simon 103 ½–½ Blampied, Dorothy 89
11 W Rudge, Dez 100 1-0 Watts, James 80
12 B Kelly, Paul 89 1-0 Lathik, Akmal UG

Under 100

Nottinghamshire U100 – Kent U100

Nottinghamshire took on Kent in both the Under 140 and Under 100 County Championship Finals at Trident College, Warwick. The day began inauspiciously with the 8.00 am phone call – a player taken ill overnight from the Under 100 team – fortunately I was able to find a substitute within 30 minutes and am indebted to Nathan Cragg who played at the last minute.

Kent are the holders of the U100 national title and beat us convincingly in 2014 so we anticipated a tough match. However they were contesting four finals so possibly their resources might be stretched. Things began poorly; their top board a very under-graded junior was soon on top and once he’d won a piece exchanged off and we were 1-0 down. On bottom board we were also a piece down. Nevertheless by the time six boards were declared we had evened things up with wins from Mike & Nathan plus two draws. Another Kent junior then won on Board Three but Akmal replied after holding an advantage for a considerable period then wins for us on Boards 7 & 8 and suddenly we were 6-4 up with two in play. A draw on Board Four would suffice but Alberto was in no mood to let his opponent off the hook and the Kent king was checkmated in the middle of the board. There was some consolation for Kent when they won the remaining board but by that time it was too late!

Nottinghamshire U100 - Kent U100
4 July 2015
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Abrahart, Robert 99 0-1 Watson, Jacob 89
2 Gilpin, Ben 93 ½–½ Scott, Mary 98
3 B Dell, John UG 0-1 Jamroz, Viktor 97
4 W Rodriguez, Alberto 97 1-0 Cheeseman, Chris 98
5 B Seagrave, Michael 94 1-0 Gaidai, Oleg 97
6 W Cragg, Nathan 94 1-0 Horner, Mark 93
7 B Attwood, Charlotte 93 1-0 Evans, Alan 87
8 W Hargreaves, Malcolm 91 1-0 AubinParvu, Henr 88
9 B Morley, Stephen 94 0-1 Gueriane, R Huseyini 88
10 W Blampied, Dorothy 89 ½–½ Cheeseman, Frank 89
11 B Lathif, Akmal 82 1-0 Glenister, David 74
12 W Garside, James 65 0-1 Houching, Peter 84


Nottinghamshire U100 – Essex U100

The Under 100 match began inauspiciously when Notts defaulted a board. Malcolm Hargreaves had failed to arrive at his pick-up point. Malcolm had played at the OU in 2014 so we hoped he might be making his own way. Not so – we later learned he had driven into a pothole and had a serious puncture on route. That seemed to spur Notts on and Essex were comprehensively swept aside on the lower boards coupled with wins on Board One & Three and we had taken a 6-1 lead. That said the remaining games looked anything but safe. Ben Gilpin was winning on Board Two but allowed his opponent a damaging knight fork. However he recovered admirably and in the end had just a rook versus a lone knight. This proved impossible to win but the resultant draw saw Notts into the final. Ric Dawson was clearly ahead and agreed a further draw; the remaining games being lost.

Nottinghamshire U100 - Essex U100
13 June 2015
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 Abrahart, Bob 99 1-0 Sealey, Frank 99
2 W Gilpin, Ben 93 ½–½ Fisher, Russell 99
3 B Rodriguez, Alberto 97 1-0 Cane, Tony 96
4 W Seagrave, Michael 94 0-1 Ellis, John 92
5 B Dawson, Richard 98 ½–½ Haynes, Chris E90
6 W Watson, Ronnie 97 0-1 Shelley, Scott 91
7 B Attwood, Charlotte 93 0-1 Tanton, Hugh 92
8 W Default   0-1 Chapman, John 75
9 B Tandon, Rohan 75 1-0 Courtenay, James 84
10 W Blampied, Dorothy 89 1-0 Cassar, Mario 78
11 B Lathif, Akmal 82 1-0 Tyrrell, Colin 68
12 W Garside, James 65 1-0 Hughes, Peter 66


Lancashire U100 – Nottinghamshire U100

This competition is always affected by “ungraded” players and Lancashire produced six players who had to be cleared by the event Controller. As these were juniors their potential was impossible to gauge prior to the match. For once though luck was definitely on our side as we made the most of some dicey positions. Again it came down to the last game to finish; this time the Board One with Bob Abrahart the Notts player involved. The Lancashire player overstepped the time limit in a hopeless position so Notts won through by the narrowest of margins; 6½-5½.

Lancashire U100 - Nottinghamshire U100
16 May 2015
Newcastle-under-Lyme Bridge Club, Staffs
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Bathein, Louis 96 0-1 Abrahart, Bob 99
2 W Tanner, Frank 91 0-1 Dell, John UG
3 B Baron, Lee 91 1-0 Seagrave, Mike 94
4 W Cooper, Mark 90 1-0 Cragg, Nathan 94
5 B Hurn, Peter 87e 0-1 Dawson, Rick 98
6 W Chapman, Jason 86 0-1 Attwood, Charlotte 93
7 B Rowlandson, Eleanor 75e 1-0 Hargreaves, Malcolm 91
8 W Melvin, Louis 73e ½–½ Morley, Stephen 94
9 B Melvin, Charlotte 60e 0-1 Blampied, Dorothy 89
10 W Leong, Kim Wai 60e 0-1 Lathif, Akmal UG
11 B Crook, Steven 57 1-0 Heath, Ken 71
12 W Crook, Oliver UG 1-0 Garside, James 65


Staffordshire U100 – Nottinghamshire U100


Staffordshire U100 - Nottinghamshire U100
14 March 2015
Newcastle-under-Lyme Bridge Club
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Taylor, Dominic 98 0-1 Abrahart, Bob 99
2 W Horrocks, Oliver 95 1-0 Gilpin, Ben 92
3 Mustafa, Carl 95 ½–½ Grenham, Sean 76
4 W West, Robert 91 1-0 Attwood, Charlotte 93
5 B Hull, Stuart 86 ½–½ Hargreaves, Malcolm 91
6 W Tideswell, Peter 82 0-1 Morley, Stephen 94
7 B Snape, Oliver 79 1-0 Tandon, Rohan 75
8 W Perry, Robert 74 0-1 Blampied, Dorothy 89
9 B Green, Stuart 74 0-1 Latif, Akmal 80e
10 W Martin, Richard 74 1-0 Heath, Ken 71
11 B Hall, Les 71 0-1 Garside, James 65
12 W Snape, Jack 53 1-0 Meade, Alex 50e


Warwickshire U100 – Nottinghamshire U100


Warwickshire U100 - Nottinghamshire U100
13 December 2014
Wilmcote Village Hall (Nr. Stratford upon Avon)
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 W Calderbank, Stuart 97 0-1 Abrahart, Bob 99
2 B Davies, Paul 95 1-0 Morley, Stephen 94
3 W Evans, Tom 94 0-1 Attwood, Charlotte 93
4 B Zawadzki, Marek 94 1-0 Hargreaves, Malcolm 91
5 W Mantell, Rob 91 1-0 Blampied, Dorothy 89
6 B Garner, Bramwell 90 ½–½ Swanwick, Steve 88
7 W Kelly, Paul 89 ½–½ Latif, Akmal 80e
8 B Buxton, Richard 85 ½–½ Heath, Ken 71
9 W Shah, Darpit 80 1-0 Meade, Alex 50e
10 B Leggett, Peter 79 1-0 Default  
11 W Clulee, John 71 1-0 Default  
12 B Green, Des 50 1-0 Default  

Nottinghamshire U100 – Leicestershire U100

Report from Neil Graham

Notts began their U100 campaign with a 7-5 win over Leicestershire. The home county established a strong lead and it was only towards the end that the visitors scored a number of points to close the scores. Leicestershire had a new young player on Board 12 and he quickly started losing material to James to give Notts an early lead. Neel lost a piece to a pawn fork and enabled Leics to equalise and the score was further tied after Luke found his extra pawn ineffective in a blocked ending. Thereafter the Notts wins started to roll in with the Radcliffe trio of Dorothy, Charlotte and Stephen all scoring the first point. When Malcolm broke through to queen and Ben, playing a very solid game on his debut, also won the match was over. The top board game was drawn with opposite coloured bishops and there was some respite for Leicestershire with a win on Board Two. The last two games to finish were also victories for youthful Leics players, Ken’s position was always going downhill but as is usual in these matches, the final game continued long after the other sets had been packed away. Mike had fought long and hard to maintain a draw on Board Five and eventually had a queen and pawn ending a couple of pawns down. However eventually there was a forced queen exchange which left the position as a Leicestershire win.

Nottinghamshire U100 - Leicestershire U100
1 November 2014
Board Colour Grade Grade
1 B Abrahart, Bob 99 ½–½ Carter, Andy 97 
2 W Dawson, Ric 98 0-1 Poolan, Peter 79
3 B Badhe, Neel 96 0-1 Harbidge, Drew 78
4 W Morley, Stephen 94 1-0 Findley, Ed 77
5 B Seagrave, Mike 94 0-1 Brown, Tom 68
6 W Attwood, Charlotte 93 1-0 Raine, Ben 68
7 B Hargreaves, Malcolm 91 1-0 Lo, Matthew 75
8 W Gilpin, Ben 93 1-0 Kellock, Jim 64
9 B Blampied, Dorothy 89 1-0 Mottram-Epson, Peter E50
10 W Rees, Luke 71 ½–½ Gamble, Matthew E66
11 B Heath, Ken 71 0-1 Mottram-Epson, Alastair E34
12 W Garside, James 65 1-0 Colburn, Phoenix E7