CWANG 2016
Report by organiser Drag Sudar
47 of Nottinghamshire’s finest (!?) gathered at the Horse ‘n’ Groom on 18 Aug to battle for the ‘2016 CWANG Champions’ title. The teams this year were Ashfield, Central, Gambit, Nomads and a combined Mansfield/RB team, with guests from Uni and WB.
As always, the event couldn’t take place without the hard work, at relatively short notice, by the other captains, Neil Graham, Steve Foster, Dave Griffiths, Jon Tait and Barry Redburn, and the support of those who turned up to play, so a very big thanks to you all for ensuring we had yet another highly enjoyable evening.
There should be more evenings like this during the year: Over to you, Executive Committee...
Gambit emerged winners on 25 points, with Ashfield (21.5) narrowly beating Mansfield/RB (20.5) to 2nd place. Nomads (15.5) were 4th while Central (13.5) took their customary seats near the bar. Gambit overtake Ashfield in the cumulative points table:
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | Total | |
Gambit | 3 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 29 |
Ashfield | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 28 |
WB/Man/RB | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2.5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 18.5 |
Nomads | 5 | 3 | 1 | 2.5 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 16.5 |
Central | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 13 |
Seeing as it is Olympic year, for a bit of fun here is a table of Gold, Silver and Bronze performers (where points are equal, the lower grade player finishes higher):
Gold | Silver | Bronze | ||||
Bds 1&2 | K Morrison (Man/RB) | 3.5 | M Barnes (Gam) | 3.5 | J Tait (Man/RB) | 3.5 |
Bds 3&4 | S Bhayat (Nom) | 3 | N Graham (Ash) | 3 | G Jennings (Gam) | 2.5 |
Bds 5&6 | D Padvis (Nom) * | 3 | J Huthwaite (Gam) | 3 | B Hayward (Gam) | 3 |
Bds 7&8 | T Lewis (Ash) | 4 | C Owusu (Nom) | 3.5 | M Hunter (Nom) * | 3 |
Bds 9&10 | P Clarke (Ash) | 4 | R Watson (Gam) | 3.5 | A Meade (Cen) | 3 |
* Guests
Nomads come 1st in the medal table!
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total | |
Nomads | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Ashfield | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Man/RB | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Gambit | 0 | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Central | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Detailed Results:
A = Central
B = Mansfield/RB
C = Gambit
D = Ashfield
E = Nomads
A1 | Kevin Harvey | 0-1 | Jon Tait | B1 |
C1 | Michael Barnes | 1-0 | Steve Burke | D1 |
E1 | Bye | 0-1 | Alan Griffiths | A2 |
B2 | Ken Morrison | 1-0 | John Swain | C2 |
D2 | Jerry Herrington | 0-1 | Maurice Hill | E2 |
B3 | Chris Cantrill | 1-0 | Mike Naylor | C3 |
D3 | Phil Morgan | ½-½ | Shane Bhayat | E3 |
A3 | Mark Radford | 1-0 | Kevin Simpson | B4 |
C4 | Drag Sudar (sub for GJ) | 1-0 | Neil graham | D4 |
E4 | Dave Griffiths | 0-1 | Graham Gibson | A4 |
C5 | Brian Hayward | ½-½ | Nigel Wright | D5 |
E5 | Robert Parker | 1-0 | Steve Foster | A5 |
B5 | Janos Wagenbach | 0-1 | John Huthwaite | C6 |
D6 | Steve Luland | 0-1 | Derek Padvis | E6 |
A6 | Andy Sutton | ½-½ | George Murfet | B6 |
D7 | Trevor Lewis | 1-0 | Mike Hunter | E7 |
A7 | Lukasz Kacprzak | 0-1 | Marcel Taylor | B7 |
C7 | John Tassi | ½-½ | Ray Sayer | D8 |
E8 | Clement Owusu | 1-0 | Simon Parham | A8 |
B8 | Barry Redburn | 0-1 | Gary Hopkinson | C8 |
B9 | Charlotte Attwood | 0-1 | Ronnie Watson | C9 |
A10 | Mike James | 0-1 | Dorothy Blampied | B10 |
D9 | Pete Clarke | 1-0 | Ken Heath | C10 |
A9 | Alex Meade | 1-0 | Bye |
B1 | Jon Tait | 1-0 | Jerry Herrington | D2 |
D1 | Steve Burke | 1-0 | Kevin Harvey | A1 |
A2 | Alan Griffiths | 0-1 | Michael Barnes | C1 |
C2 | John Swain | ½-½ | Drag Sudar | E1 |
E2 | Maurice Hill | 0-1 | Ken Morrison | B2 |
C3 | Mike Naylor | 1-0 | Dave Griffiths | E4 |
E3 | Shane Bhayat | 1-0 | Chris Cantrill | B3 |
B4 | Kevin Simpson | 1-0 | Phil Morgan | D3 |
D4 | Neil Graham | 1-0 | Mark Radford | A3 |
A4 | Graham Gibson | 0-1 | Graeme Jennings | C4 |
D5 | Nigel Wright | 1-0 | Andy Sutton | A6 |
A5 | Steve Foster | ½-½ | Brian Hayward | C5 |
C6 | John Huthwaite | 1-0 | Robert Parker | E5 |
E6 | Derek Padvis | 1-0 | Janos Wagenbach | B5 |
B6 | George Murfet | ½-½ | Steve Luland | D6 |
E7 | Mike Hunter | 1-0 | Barry Redburn | B8 |
B7 | Marcel Taylor | 0-1 | Trevor Lewis | D7 |
D8 | Ray Sayer | 1-0 | Lukasz Kacprzak | A7 |
A8 | Simon Parham | 0-1 | John Tassi | C7 |
C8 | Gary Hopkinson | 0-1 | Clement Owusu | E8 |
A9 | Alex Meade | 1-0 | Ken Heath | C10 |
B10 | Dorothy Blampied | 0-1 | Pete Clarke | D9 |
B9 | Charlotte Attwood | 1-0 | Mike James | A10 |
C9 | Ronnie Watson | 1-0 | Bye |
C1 | Michael Barnes | ½-½ | Jon Tait | B1 |
E1 | Drag Sudar | ½-½ | Steve Burke | D1 |
B2 | Ken Morrison | 1-0 | Alan Griffiths | A2 |
D2 | Jerry Herrington | 0-1 | John Swain | C2 |
A1 | Kevin Harvey | 1-0 | Maurice Hill | E2 |
D3 | Phil Morgan | 0-1 | Mike Naylor | C3 |
A3 | Mark Radford | 0-1 | Shane Bhayat | E3 |
C4 | Graeme Jennings | 1-0 | Kevin Simpson | B4 |
E4 | Dave Griffiths | 0-1 | Neil Graham | D4 |
B3 | Chris Cantrill | 0-1 | Graham Gibson | A4 |
E5 | Robert Parker | 0-1 | Nigel Wright | D5 |
B5 | Janos Wagenbach | 1-0 | Steve Foster | A5 |
D6 | Steve Luland | 0-1 | John Huthwaite | C6 |
A6 | Andy Sutton | 0-1 | Derek Padvis | E6 |
C5 | Brian Hayward | 1-0 | George Murfet | B6 |
A7 | Lukasz Kacprzak | 0-1 | Mike Hunter | E7 |
C7 | John Tassi | 1-0 | Marcel Taylor | B7 |
E8 | Clement Owusu | 1-0 | Ray Sayer | D8 |
B8 | Barry Redburn | 0-1 | Simon Parham | A8 |
D7 | Trevor Lewis | 1-0 | Gary Hopkinson | C8 |
B9 | Charlotte Attwood | 0-1 | Alex Meade | A9 |
B10 | Dorothy Blampied | ½-½ | Ronnie Watson | C9 |
A10 | Mick James | 0-1 | Ken Heath | C10 |
D9 | Peter Clarke | 1-0 | Bye |
B1 | Jon Tait | 1-0 | Drag Sudar | E1 |
D1 | Steve Burke | ½-½ | Ken Morrison | B2 |
A2 | Alan Griffiths | 0-1 | Jerry Herrington | D2 |
C2 | John Swain | ½-½ | Kevin Harvey | A1 |
E2 | Maurice Hill | 0-1 | Michael Barnes | C1 |
C3 | Mike Naylor | 0-1 | Mark Radford | A3 |
E3 | Shane Bhayat | ½-½ | Graeme Jennings | C4 |
B4 | Kevin Simpson | 1-0 | Dave Griffiths | E4 |
D4 | Neil Graham | 1-0 | Chris Cantrill | B3 |
A4 | Graham Gibson | 0-1 | Phil Morgan | D3 |
D5 | Nigel Wright | 0-1 | Janos Wagenbach | B5 |
A5 | Steve Foster | 0-1 | Steve Luland | D6 |
C6 | John Huthwaite | 0-1 | Andy Sutton | A6 |
E6 | Derek Padvis | 0-1 | Brian Hayward | C5 |
B6 | George Murfet | 1-0 | Robert Parker | E5 |
E7 | Mike Hunter | 1-0 | John Tassi | C7 |
B7 | Marcel Taylor | ½-½ | Clement Owusu | E8 |
D8 | Ray Sayer | ½-½ | Barry Redburn | B8 |
A8 | Simon Parham | 0-1 | Trevor Lewis | D7 |
C8 | Gary Hopkinson | 0-1 | Lukasz Kacprzak | A7 |
A9 | Alex Meade | 0-1 | Pete Clarke | D9 |
C9 | Ronnie Watson | 1-0 | Mike James | A10 |
B9 | Charlotte Attwood | 1-0 | Ken Heath | C10 |
B10 | Dorothy Blampied | 1-0 | Bye |