General Meeting
This page contains minutes of General meetings, rules revision, appointments, amendments to constitution.
Minutes – 2015–16
Minutes of General Meeting held at West Notts Chess Club, 7:30pm on 11 July 2016
Present: A Walker (Chair), A Kenyon (Secretary), S Burke (Treasurer), S Luland, D Griffiths, P Sherlock, N Graham, J Swain, D Sudar, T Walker, B Hayward, D Padvis, M Naylor, R Willoughby, K Walters, C Budd, B Abrahart, M Taylor, S Scott, T Clegg, R Richmond.
- Apologies: Received from C Holt
T Clegg informed the meeting of the recent death of Paul Mould who was involved in a tragic car accident. Paul was a member of West Notts Chess Club and will be sadly missed. A minute silence was observed to remember Paul. The Association passed its condolences to his wife and family. Steve Burke will be attending the funeral on behalf of the Association. - Minutes of previous meetings : Minutes of the previous AGM were accepted and approved. There were a small number of amendments to the minutes of the Rules Revision Meeting which were subsequently accepted.
- Matters arising: D Sudar requested that draft minutes be available within a shorter time frame as a general aim. It was agreed that this was a desirable aim to work towards.
- Officers Reports
- President : the paper presented at the meeting was discussed. A Walker raised awareness of the association being a volunteer organisation and that members should reflect on this when considering standing for office or commentating on issues. Some things have been said during the past year which should not have been said, and the association needs to work together if it is to operate effectively.
- Secretary: A Kenyon reported that there had been a small number of enquiries during the year, usually relating to the opportunities for junior players to practice and develop their chess. Parents have been made aware of local clubs and encouraged to look into these further.
- Executive Committee: A Walker presented the report on behalf of the committee. The EC has tried to be more open during the year by releasing minutes promptly and inviting members to attend meetings. There is a need to think about Child Protection Policy/Practice which may require the creation of a responsibility post.
- Treasurers Report: S Burke reported that the Association had broken even for the year. The Treasurers Report and Auditors Report were accepted. It was agreed that fees will remain the same next year.
- League Secretary: the report was presented/discussed.
- Records Secretary: D Griffiths reported that results from league matches had been received on time from captains. Photographing of scoresheets was becoming increasingly popular and was to be encouraged.
- LMC: Withdrawal of the university first team was the main issue during the year. Members were reminded that the decisions of the LMC were published. D Sudar notified the meeting of his resignation from the LMC.
- Congress/Rapid Play/County Championship: the report was presented. Next year fees will be higher due to an increase in High School rent. R Richmond would like more members to take the artiber examination to increase capacity within the association. The ECF are proposing that League Management Committees have an arbiter on the committee. It was proposed that the association make a formal representation against this to the ECF. This was accepted unanimously. R Richmond to compose a response and circulate to club secretaries.
- Match Secretary: Report presented. Nottinghamshire were awarded the Midlands County Championship. There will be a rule change next year with no separate open/minor championship. Notts beat Warwickshire in the U120 final 8-4 to become National Champions. All players receive a personalised email asking if they want to play for county teams. N Graham was thanked for the time he devotes to organising the county teams.
- Grader: The grading report was presented. WNCC club championship was graded this year. This offer was made to all future club championships in Nottinghamshire.
- ECF/MCCU reports
- ECF: report presented and discussed.
- MCCU delegates: Congress arranged for 13th August in Walsall. Details are on the website. D Sudar has offered to continue as MCCU representative next year unless anyone wished to take on the role. N Graham attended the MCCU AGM. D Sudar has stood down as non-executive director. D Levens is no longer MCCU Junior Director. Next year’s meeting will be held at Rolls Royce on 17th June.
- Publicity: no report was received. An event was held at Nottingham Train Station on National Chess Day last year but this was not well publicised. D Griffiths asked if a similar event is taking place this year. It was confirmed that it is on Saturday September 10th. This year the ECF are also supporting National Chess Day.
- Junior chess: report presented. There was a proposal that the cost of the event was covered by the association as opposed to charging players (overall around £150). This was accepted.
- Schools liaison: no report received.
- Webmaster: There will be a change of host site due to increasing costs.
- Election of Officers
The following were proposed and accepted:
President: A Walker
Secretary: TBC (A Kenyon to fill in short term).
Treasurer: S Burke
Executive Committee: R Richmond, M Hill, S Luland, B Abrahart
League Secretary: S Burke
Records Secretary: M Naylor
Congress/ Rapidplay/County Championships: R Richmond
Match Secretary: N Graham
Grader: P Sherlock
Auditor: D Griffiths
ECF Delegate: R Richmond
MCCU Delegate: D Sudar, R Richmond, T Walker, C Budd
School Liaison: D Padvis, D Levens, S Scott, J Swain
Publicity director: D Levens
Special events/blitz: TBC
Webmaster: D Coates
LMC: M Hill, C Budd, N London, C Holt, D Padvis (Reserves: J Litherland, R Myers)
- Notices: Logo competition – there has been some expression of interest but no entries have as yet been received. The deadline is the end of July.
- AOB:
- Braille chess: a letter was drafted and sent to the ECF. The ECF have responded and said that Steve Thacker is able to continue to use a braille note taker which represents a positive outcome.
- Donation to NCA - M Taylor/A Walker have discussed possibilities. The donation can not be regarded as charitable but other options are possible. A Walker to work with C Holt/ R Richmond to discuss further.
- Best game prize: All nominations received. S Burke is now looking for a neutral judge. Results will be posted on the website in due course.
- Tutors: J Swain has met with Malcolm Pein. Looking to recruit more tutors in the Nottingham area. Anyone interested should get in touch with John. See ECF website for more details.
- National Chess Day: It was confirmed that donations received on the day went to the MIND charity.
- League teams 2016/17: it was confirmed there will be 40 teams in the league for the coming year.
- Child protection: the School Liaison electees are to look into the resolution of the child protection issues and the officer(s) required for that as a matter of urgency over the Summer.
The meeting closed at 9.28pm
Minutes of General (Rules Revision) Meeting held at West Notts Chess Club, 7:30pm on 16 May 2016
Glossary: AGM: Annual General Meeting; EC: Executive Committee; ECF: English Chess Federation; LMC: League Management Committee; NCA: Nottinghamshire Chess Association.
Present were A Walker [President, in the Chair], A. Kenyon [Secretary], S Burke [Treasurer], R Richmond, B Abrahart, J Swain, D Griffiths, M Hill, D Sudar, C Holt, M Taylor, C Budd, B Hayward, F Hill, N London, J Wagenbach, K Morrison, B Redburn, C Cumbers, S Scott, S Grenham, R Laker, S Luland, J Huthwaite, D Padvis, M Naylor, M Barnes, G Giles, K Argyle, S Foster, M Hunter, R Murphy, R Willoughby, R Dawson, N Graham.
The meeting opened at 7:35pm.
Before the meeting the association was notified of the recent deaths of Cyril Johnson and John Buttery. A moment of silence was
- Apologies
Apologies were received from T Walker, R Dyce and G Ladds - Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes of the 2015 AGM were not presented at the meeting. They will be presented at the AGM in July. - Matters arising
J Swain said there had been insufficient support for a Special General Meeting to be called regarding ‘C4’. He requested that the EC respond to the issue as to why C4 was on the agenda at the last AGM. He recognised there a need to move forward and draw a line under the issue. - Presentation of League Prizes
League prizes were awarded as follows:
League 1: Grantham 1
League 2: West Bridgford 1
League 3: Long Eaton
League 4: West Bridgford 3
League 5: University 3
- Proposed rule changes
- Proposal for a new rule C7 – order of strength. Teams should be arranged in order of playing strength according to the ECF
grading list (within 10 points). The grading results officer should be consulted for ungraded players.
Following discussion N Graham proposed (R Richmond seconded) that the difference be extended to 20 points. This was accepted by a vote of 29 for and 2 against.
The vote in favour of order of strength was accepted 22 for and 5 against.
The proposal to amend D7 was withdrawn. - Proposal to amend C4/5 – eligibility (C Budd). It was proposed that if a player had played 3 times in total for a higher team above bottom 2 boards played they can not play for a lower team. This was accepted by a vote of 10 for and 8 against. There was no requirement to amend C5.
- Proposal to amend rule C4 – eligibility (D Sudar). Concern was raised with 3 clubs having 2 teams in league 1 next season creating a weaker league. Proposal rejected by a vote of 7 for and 12 against.
- Proposal to amend rule C5 (S Burke) – withdrawn
- Proposal to amend rule B9 – time control (S Burke). A proposal was tabled to consider 3 options regarding playing times. Following a number of votes it was agreed that intermediate time controls would be abolished and the time limit be 90 minutes (75 minutes in the bottom division) to finish the game. The vote was 18 for and 16 against.
- Voluntary rearrangement of matches after Christmas (S Burke) – following discussion it was agreed to move the cut-off date for voluntary rearrangement to the end of February from Christmas
- Braille Chess (S Scott) – the Braille Chess Association have discussed the banning of braille note takers as a result of concern regarding their mis-use. This would directly affect the access to chess of one of West Nottinghamshire’s players who is understandably concerned. The association was agreed that a letter of support from NCA should be drafted by S Scott in support of the use of electronic aids by visibly impaired players.
- Proposal for a new rule C7 – order of strength. Teams should be arranged in order of playing strength according to the ECF
grading list (within 10 points). The grading results officer should be consulted for ungraded players.
- Constitutional matters
- Proposal to amend the constitution (D Sudar). The document presented was discussed with the intention of reducing loopholes
and ambiguities.
Article 3 - passed unanimously
Article 4 - passed unanimously
Article 6 - passed unanimously
Article 8 - Regarding Special General Meetings the wording was amended to include ‘the secretaries of at least’ 25%/33% of affiliated clubs. The proportion was then put to a vote which favoured 1/3 over 1/4 by a majority of 14 to 6.
The proposed alteration to the timeframe for arranging an SGM was agreed unanimously.
Article 9 aii) It was agreed unanimously to extend those able to propose/second alterations to the constitution, league rules or EC Standing Orders to include Treasurers. A vote to allow team captains this right was also agreed.
Addition to article 9 - In exceptional circumstances the Rules Revision Meeting may vote to defer consideration of a proposed rule change to the next general meeting, such a vote requiring a 2/3rd majority - was also passed.
Article 10 - withdrawn.
Article 12b - carried unanimously
Article 12c - For 18 against 2
Article 13h - For 5 against 13
Article 14a - carried unanimously
- Proposal to amend standing orders of the Executive Committee (D Sudar). The proposal to add 1b to the objectives of the
constitution, ‘ ensure all meetings are convened in accordance with the constitution, and provide advice on constitutional
matters to those meetings’ was accepted 14 for and 4 against.
The proposal to amend the membership of the committee to a fully elected committee was accepted unanimously.
The proposal to amend the procedure by the addition of ‘records will be kept of how each member votes’ was defeated.
At ANW instigation, D Sudar withdrew the proposal to withdraw all the instances of striking out "and" after the penultimate item of lists.
- Proposal to amend the constitution (D Sudar). The document presented was discussed with the intention of reducing loopholes
and ambiguities.
- A competition will be held to design a logo for the NCA. Details are on the website. ANW is leading on this.
- Best game prize – anyone wishing to enter a game should forward details to S Burke.
- There was a brief report on "Food Detectives" on Fri 13th May, which had featured Steve Burke, Tim Walker and Alex Meade, and is still viewable on iPlayer.
- AGM date to be confirmed but provisionally looking at w/c 11th July. There was a request for reports from officers and committees and for those wishing either to step down or to volunteer to make themselves known to EC.
- Games Cafes - a number of these are opening in Nottingham. They provide an opportunity to promote/raise the profile of chess. Details of where they are will be added to the website.
- Donation - M Taylor has kindly agreed to donate money towards prizes at the Nottingham congress for the next 3 years. The association thanked him for his generous donation and A Walker agreed to contact him to finalise arrangements.
The meeting closed at 10.33pm