Four Counties under 130 junior team tournament

Report from Simon Scott

The 4th of this series of tournaments, hosted by Leicestershire, took place at Leicester Grammar School on Sunday March 26th.

The organisers may have overlooked that this was the start of British Summer Time, so an extra early start! But the venue and playing hall were excellent, with perfect playing conditions arbited by Francis Bowers.

The Nottinghamshire team of 14 (12 plus 2 reserves) improved on the last event to finish 3rd with a strong win against Lincolnshire. Our team played with great spirit and were keen to go through games afterwards with John Swain, while Simon Scott took care of team manager duties.

Special mention to Ben Gilpin as our only unbeaten player (2.5/3 on board 3), Isabella Bonev as the only player to win against Yorkshire (2/3), and finally to Olivia Chen who, playing as reserve, ended up playing 2 adults! Full results attached. All games will be ECF standardplay graded.

Many thanks to all the parents who spent a long day in Leicester, and to John Swain for his tireless efforts and producing certificates using our new logo!

No Team Wins Draws Losses
1 Yorkshire 3 0 0
2 Leicestershire 2 0 1
3 Nottinghamshire 1 0 2
4 Lincolnshire 0 0 3

Round 1
Lincolnshire 3-9 Yorkshire
Nottinghamshire 4-8 Leicestershire
Round 2
Yorkshire 10½-1½ Nottinghamshire
Leicestershire 10-2 Lincolnshire
Round 3
Leicestershire 3½-8½ Yorkshire
Nottinghamshire 7½-4½ Lincolnshire

The full results can be downloaded as a pdf file.